Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Combined enterprise and simulation modelling in support of process engineering
Industry requires improved means of designing and changing its business processes....
Knowledge management metrics
Over several years, there have been intensive discussions about the importance of...
An alternative derivation of the basic DEA models for gauging the productive performances of operating entities
Using a Decision Analysis (DA) model for decision-making under partial probability...
An implicit enumeration algorithm for mining high dimensional data
Model selection is an important problem in mining information from large data bases....
Modifying the inconsistency of Bayesian networks and a comparison study for fault location on electricity distribution feeders
The Bayesian network is a probabilistic graphical model in which a problem is...
Do users ignore spatial data quality? A decision-theoretic perspective
Risk Analysis (RA) has been proposed as a means of assessing fitness for use of...
Empirical information criteria for time series forecasting model selection
In this article, we propose a new empirical information criterion (EIC) for model...
Analysis and evaluation of e-supply chain performances
This study proposes a model for the analysis and performance evaluation of e-supply...
Knowledge creation through co-entrepreneurship
This study examines the role that social capital plays when partners collectively...
The role of clockspeed in outsourcing decisions for new technologies: Insights from the prisoner's dilemma
Some research in the area of make–buy decisions for new technologies suggests...
Expert systems applications for productivity analysis
The purpose of this paper is to describe the process of productivity management and...
A stochastic model for the analysis of a two-machine flexible manufacturing cell
This paper presents a stochastic model to determine the performance of a flexible...
Design of practical optimum JIT systems by integration of computer simulation and analysis of variance
This study introduces a framework for re-design of manufacturing systems into...
Ranking of admissible alternatives in interval decision making
In the framework of interval decision making, the available information is vague and...
Origins of profitability through JIT processes in the supply chain
Purpose – To develop a conceptual model that links specific antecedent...
Inducer: a public domain workbench for data mining
This paper describes the facilities available in Inducer, a public domain...
Six Sigma: Concepts, tools, and applications
Purpose – To provide a sound discussion on the Six Sigma methodology and see how...
Solving a fixture configuration design problem using genetic algorithm with learning automata approach
Proper fixture design is crucial to workpiece quality assurance in manufacturing....
Staffing and routing in a two-tier call centre
This paper studies service systems with gatekeepers who diagnose a customer problem...
A study of bidding-oriented collaborative product conceptualization
Inter-organizational, collaborative product design plays an increasingly important...
Emergency relief logistics: an evaluation of military, non-military and composite response models
The nature of a particular disaster or emergency determines the form of response and...
Sensitivity analysis of a two-dimensional probabilistic risk assessment model using analysis of variance
This article demonstrates application of sensitivity analysis to risk assessment...
Solution of facility layout problems with pickup/drop-off locations using random search techniques
Due to non-polynomial hardness, the facility layout problem (FLP) becomes more...
Measurement and pricing of risk in insurance markets
The theory and practice of risk measurement provides a point of intersection between...
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