Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Knowledge Management for the healthcare sector: lessons from a case study
The notion of incorporating Knowledge Management (KM) in the healthcare sector has...
Play ball – equally: math programming lends a hand to Little League baseball
This paper is concerned with the problem of ensuring that every player in a Little...
Consideration for the implementation of knowledge management technologies
The deployment of knowledge management technologies continues to be central to the...
Meta-abilities: The key to the strategic tacit knowledge diffusion and organisational learning
The diffusion of tacit knowledge is pervasive in the organisational learning (OL)...
Optimal booking limits in the presence of strategic consumer behavior
We consider a two-period airline yield management problem where customers may act...
Exploring the relationship between collaboration, trust and knowledge sharing: A case study from the air-conditioning industry
The notion of ‘trust’ has fast become a ‘hot topic’ in the...
Benefit and cost analysis of e-learning for knowledge management: the Royal Thai Government
The primary purposes of this paper are to describe and present the cost analysis for...
Computer-aided learning and assessment with a spreadsheet – an approach to coping with large student numbers
Computer-aided learning and assessment spreadsheets have been used for five...
Instructional design implications for online work based training delivery
The take up by SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) of work based training in...
A hypermedia intelligent tutoring system for operations research teaching
Since ancient times, models have become widely accepted for studying phenomena, but...
A branch-and-price algorithm for the multi-source Weber problem
We present a branch-and-price algorithm for the exact solution of the multi-source...
Locating semi-obnoxious facilities with expropriation: minisum criterion
This paper considers the problem of locating semi-obnoxious facilities assuming that...
Statistical data analyses to elucidate the causes and improve the countermeasures for preventing train accidents in Japan
We investigate train accident data in Japan to elucidate the causes and improve the...
Using TOPSIS for location analysis of wood industry plants: the case of Iran
The improper siting of plywood and veneer factories has given rise, in Iran, to...
Locomotive assignment and freight train scheduling using genetic algorithms
This study considers the movement of freight trains through a passenger rail network,...
Loading container freight at the Melbourne rail terminal
Rail freight terminals engage in extensive loading and unloading to transfer freight...
A variable neighborhood descent algorithm for a real waste collection problem with mobile depots
We consider a waste collection problem encountered in Due Carrare, a town located in...
The effect of queuing representations on modeling transit signal priority systems in mixed mode operation
This paper examines quantitatively the effect of modeling assumptions on transit...
A risk-based method for modeling traffic fatalities
We describe a risk-based analytical framework for estimating traffic fatalities that...
Maintaining preventive maintenance and maintenance prevention: analysing the dynamic implications of total productive maintenance
In this paper, the dynamic implications of Total Productive Maintenance are analysed....
A multicriteria approach for corporate decisions in sustainable planning policy
Under the current conditions of urban and regional renewal, it is a challenge and...
Motivational aspects of corporate productivity maximisation: a field study
Over the past 30 years, there have been many proposed approaches to maximising...
A financial resource allocation model for regional water systems
The public water supply sector is facing significant external pressures for change...
Deming’s funnel experiment in quality improvement – a computer simulation
The funnel experiment was designed by Dr W.E. Deming to show managers several lessons...
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