Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Validating measures of information technology outsourcing risk factors
Outsourcing information technology (IT) operations has been recognized to have...
On dispatching unequally capable service technicians
A common problem that faces many high-tech electronic product companies is how to...
Evaluation of enterprise-level benefits of manufacturing flexibility
An enterprise-level flexible manufacturing approach for a multi-product manufacturer...
Asset management with reverse product flows and environmental considerations
Today many business enterprises employ capital assets in the form of electronic...
The quadratic assignment problem in the context of the printed circuit board assembly process
The sequencing of placement and the configuration of the feeder are among the main...
Assessing performance and uncertainty in developing carpet reverse logistics systems
The US carpet industry is striving to reach a 40% diversion rate from landfills...
A real-time road pricing system: The case of a two-link parallel network
A real-time road pricing system in the case of a two-link parallel network is proposed...
A survey of models and algorithms for winter road maintenance. Part III: Vehicle routing and depot location for spreading
Winter road maintenance planning involves a variety of decision-making problems...
A survey of models and algorithms for winter road maintenance. Part IV: Vehicle routing and fleet sizing for plowing and snow disposal
This is the last part of a four-part survey of optimization models and solution...
Improvements to the Or-opt heuristic for the symmetric travelling salesman problem
Several variants and generalizations of the Or-opt heuristic for the Symmetric...
A tandem queueing system with task-splitting, feedback, and blocking
A novel two-station single-processing tandem queueing system with task splitting,...
Improving metaheuristics convergence properties in inductive query by example using two strategies for reducing the search space
In this paper we present two strategies for reducing the time of convergence of two...
A Reactive Tabu Search algorithm with variable clustering for the Unicost Set Covering Problem
We develop a Reactive Tabu Search (RTS) algorithm for solving the Unicost Set Covering...
Neural network and regression spline value function approximations for stochastic dynamic programming
Dynamic programming is a multi-stage optimization method that is applicable to many...
Using data envelopment analysis in efficiency management in industry
The paper is devoted to application of non-parametric methods in management of...
Out of control (outlier) detection in business data using the ARMA (1,1) model
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is an integral component of nearly every industrial...
Towards critical practice in a teaching company scheme
The need to be socially aware during interventions presents academic researchers with...
A glimpse of early OR – a brief history of Cybor House
The paper descibes some of the history of a notable UK OR department, commonly known...
A comment on Bowen's process of problem formulation
This paper proposes a new methodology for problem formulation, The methodology...
The formulation of operational research problems – a critical craft
In this paper, the problem of correct formulation of mathematical models for real...
Delivering business value from communities of practice
‘It is our task – our essential, central, crucial task – to...
Communication methods to support ‘virtual teams’ as communities of practice in teaching and research
This paper looks at communication methods in an academic environment. It discusses how...
Starting a community-of-practice at Holden College: a reflection of the experience
The notion of communities of practice was first introduced more than ten years ago. It...
Anatomy of a group model-building intervention: building dynamic theory from case study research
The system dynamics group at the Rockefeller College of the University at Albany has...
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