Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
A periodic testing model for a preparedness system with a defective state
This paper considers the periodic testing of a preparedness system where in addition...
Stabilized column generation for highly degenerate multiple-depot vehicle scheduling problems
Column generation has proven to be efficient in solving the linear programming...
Dynamic vehicle routing for online business to consumer (B2C) delivery
Electronic commerce (EC) is increasingly popular in today's businesses. The...
Discrete bandwidth allocation considering fairness and transmission load in multicast networks
As a promising solution to tackle the network heterogeneity in multicasting, layered...
Optimality with telecommunications network
This paper studies a telecommunications company's optimal network investment...
New upper bounds for the two-dimensional orthogonal non-guillotine cutting stock problem
The two-dimensional orthogonal non-guillotine cutting stock problem (NGCP) appears in...
Multi-criteria decision support in the liberalized energy market
The European energy market has faced a radical change during the last 10 years and the...
Scorecards used in credit scoring are based on a simple linear model, in which each...
Spanish savings banks: a view on intangibles
We study Spanish savings banks from the point of view of their efficiency,...
Joint inventory and technology selection decisions
In some manufacturing systems, the type of production technology selected dictates the...
On studying organizational knowledge
There is a sense of incompleteness pervading today's conceptualizations of knowledge...
CICBS: a methodology and a framework for measuring and managing intellectual capital of cities. A practical application in the city of Mataró
The governments of cities have to make important decisions on the future of their...
Employee relationship and knowledge sharing: a case study of a Taiwanese finance and securities firm
Knowledge is a very important resource for preserving valuable heritage, learning new...
Cross-hierarchical interconnectivity: forms, mechanisms and transformation of leadership culture
Cross-hierarchical interconnectivity is a social process of transmission and alignment...
Optimization technologies and environmental applications
In this work, we focus on the interaction between optimisation technologies and the...
Knowledge management: towards a universal concept or cross-cultural contexts?
This paper questions the popular claim that knowledge management (KM) is becoming the...
Environmental decisions and electronic democracy
This paper gives a brief overview on new tendencies in environmental policy regarding...
Knowledge management system: an agent-based approach
Knowledge is an important asset in any enterprise because of global competition and...
Medical knowledge discovery systems: data abstraction and performance measurement
Knowledge discovery systems can be traced back to their origin, artificial...
Managing and leveraging knowledge for organisational advantage
This paper focuses on two elements of process knowledge that we call sticky and fluid...
Knowledge management: Taxis Parisiens case study
This paper presents a case study of the management and operation of the Paris taxi cab...
A sensemaking model of knowledge in organisations: a way of understanding knowledge management and the role of information technologies
The objective of the paper is to demonstrate how a sensemaking model of knowledge...
Agent-based modeling of knowledge dynamics
Knowledge is distributed unevenly through most enterprises. Hence, flows of knowledge...
Narrative approaches to the transfer of organisational knowledge
Narratives, or stories, have been identified as one of the ways in which knowledge...
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