Neural network credit scoring models

Neural network credit scoring models

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Article ID: iaor20011124
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 27
Issue: 11/12
Start Page Number: 1131
End Page Number: 1152
Publication Date: Sep 2000
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Keywords: risk, neural networks, statistics: multivariate, statistics: regression

This paper investigates the credit scoring accuracy of five neural network models: multilayer perceptron, mixture-of-experts, radial basis function, learning vector quantization, and fuzzy adaptive resonance. The neural network credit scoring models are tested using 10-fold crossvalidation with two real world data sets. Results are benchmarked against more traditional methods under consideration for commercial applications including linear discriminant analysis, logistic regression, k nearest neighbor, kernel density estimation, and decision trees. Results demonstrate that the multilayer perceptron may not be the most accurate neural network model, and that both the mixture-of-experts and radial basis function neural network models should be considered for credit scoring applications. Logistic regression is found to be the most accurate of the traditional methods.


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