West David

David West

Information about the author David West will soon be added to the site.
Found 8 papers in total
An empirical analysis of neural network memory structures for basin water quality forecasting
This research investigates the cumulative multi‐period forecast accuracy of a...
Morehead City, NC, uses an ARIMA study to end a state moratorium on new construction
Morehead City, North Carolina, faced a moratorium on new construction because of...
Neural network ensemble strategies for financial decision application
Considerable research effort has been expended to identify more accurate models for...
Ensemble strategies for a medical diagnostic decision support system: A breast cancer diagnosis application
The model selection strategy is an important determinant of the performance and...
Model selection for medical diagnosis decision support systems
In this paper, we examine the model section decision for a medical diagnostic decision...
Neural network credit scoring models
This paper investigates the credit scoring accuracy of five neural network models:...
An improved neural classification network for the two-group problem
In this paper we present the neural network model known as the mixture-of-experts...
A comparison of SOM neural network and hierarchical clustering methods
Cluster analysis, the determination of natural subgroups in a data set, is an...
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