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Keyword: risk
1845 papers
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Cyber Security Risk Management: Public Policy Implications of Correlated Risk, Imperfect Ability to Prove Loss, and Observability of Self-Protection
Raghunathan Srinivasan
The correlated nature of security breach risks, the imperfect ability to prove loss...
Quantitative Risk Assessment Modeling for Nonhomogeneous Urban Road Tunnels
Meng Qiang
Urban road tunnels provide an increasingly cost-effective engineering solution,...
CWD Prevalence, Perceived Human Health Risks, and State Influences on Deer Hunting Participation
Vaske Jerry J
This study examined factors predicted by previous research to influence hunters’...
Use of Risk Assessment and Likelihood Estimation to Analyze Spatial Distribution Pattern of Respiratory Infection Cases
Sze-To Gin Nam
Obvious spatial infection patterns are often observed in cases associated with...
Methodology for Determining the Appropriateness of a Linear Dose-Response Function
Williams Michael S
Microbial food safety risk assessment models can often at times be simplified by...
Consumer Responses to Integrated Risk-Benefit Information Associated with the Consumption of Food
van Dijk Heleen
The risk analysis of the health impact of foods is increasingly focused on integrated...
Assessment and Application of National Environmental Databases and Mapping Tools at the Local Level to Two Community Case Studies
Hammond Davyda
Communities are concerned over pollution levels and seek methods to systematically...
Exposure to Traffic and Risk of Hospitalization Due to Injuries
Research on the risk of motor vehicle injuries and their relationship with the amount...
Assessing the Radiological Impact of Radiation Exposure Devices
Tofani Alessandro
Radiation exposure devices (REDs) are radiological weapons obtained by concealing a...
Challenges in Development and Implementation of Health-Risk-Based Soil Quality Guidelines: Turkey's Experience
Kentel Elin
Management of contaminated sites is a critical environmental issue around the world...
Framework for Microbial Food-Safety Risk Assessments Amenable to Bayesian Modeling
Williams Michael S
Regulatory agencies often perform microbial risk assessments to evaluate the change in...
Reversing Nuclear Opposition: Evolving Public Acceptance of a Permanent Nuclear Waste Disposal Facility
Jenkins-Smith Hank C
Nuclear facilities have long been seen as the top of the list of locally unwanted land...
A Social-Cognitive Model of Pandemic Influenza H1N1 Risk Perception and Recommended Behaviors in Italy
Prati Gabriele
The outbreak of the pandemic influenza H1N1 2009 (swine flu) between March and April...
Modeling Arbitrary Layers of Continuous-Level Defenses in Facing with Strategic Attackers
Zhuang Jun
We propose a novel class of game-theoretic models for the optimal assignment of...
Allometric Scaling: Analysis of LD50 Data
Burzala-Kowalczyk Lidia
The need to identify toxicologically equivalent doses across different species is a...
Modeled Estimates of Soil and Dust Ingestion Rates for Children
zkaynak Halk
Daily soil/dust ingestion rates typically used in exposure and risk assessments are...
Determinants and Mapping of Collective Perceptions of Technological Risk: The Case of the Second Nuclear Power Plant in Taiwan
Hung Hung-Chih
Nuclear power is a highly controversial and salient example of environmental risk. The...
Assessment of Interindividual and Geographic Variability in Human Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter in Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Cao Ye
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a major contributor to indoor human exposures to...
A Risk Assessment Framework for Assessing Metallic Nanomaterials of Environmental Concern: Aquatic Exposure and Behavior
OBrien Niall Joseph
Nanomaterials are finding application in many different environmentally relevant...
How People Perceive and Will Cope with Risks from the Diffusion of Ubiquitous Information and Communication Technologies
Mosler Hans-Joachim
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are increasingly pervasive and...
Exploring Reductions in London Underground Passenger Journeys Following the July 2005 Bombings
von Winterfeldt Detlof
We examine the reduction in London Underground passenger journeys in response to the...
Context, Cultural Bias, and Health Risk Perception: The ‘Everyday’ Nature of Pesticide Policy Preferences in London, Calgary, and Halifax
Hirsch Rachel A
Risk perception and the cultural theory of risk have often been contrasted in relation...
Agent-Based Modeling to Simulate Contamination Events and Evaluate Threat Management Strategies in Water Distribution Systems
Zechman Emily M
In the event of contamination of a water distribution system, decisions must be made...
Energy Choices and Risk Beliefs: Is It Just Global Warming and Fear of a Nuclear Power Plant Accident?
Greenberg Michael
A survey of 3,200 U.S. residents focused on two issues associated with the use of...
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