Keyword: risk

Found 1845 papers in total
Influenza Infection Risk and Predominate Exposure Route: Uncertainty Analysis
An effective nonpharmaceutical intervention for influenza interrupts an exposure route...
Dose-Response Model of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) for Human
Rickettsia rickettsii is the causative agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF)...
Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach to the Use of Nanomaterials: Positions Taken by Trade Unions and Environmental NGOs in the European Nanotechnologies Debate
As partners in the European capacity-building project NanoCap, trade unions and...
An Exposure-Response Threshold for Lung Diseases and Lung Cancer Caused by Crystalline Silica
Whether crystalline silica (CS) exposure increases risk of lung cancer in humans...
Potential Uncertainty Reduction in Model-Averaged Benchmark Dose Estimates Informed by an Additional Dose Study
A methodology is presented for assessing the information value of an additional dosage...
Sensitivity Analysis and Estimation of Extreme Tail Behavior in Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Simulation
Two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation is frequently used to implement probabilistic...
Animal and Human Dose-Response Models for Brucella Species
Human Brucellosis is one of the most common zoonotic diseases worldwide. Disease...
Florida Households’ Expected Responses to Hurricane Hazard Mitigation Incentives
This study tested a series of models predicting household expectations of...
Ecological Risk Assessment, Prediction, and Assessing Risk Predictions
Ecological risk assessment embodied in an adaptive management framework is becoming...
A Longitudinal Study of Newspaper and Wire Service Coverage of Nanotechnology Risks
This study reviewed coverage of nanotechnology risks in 20 U.S. and 9 U.K. newspapers...
Risk Analysis of Safety Service Patrol (SSP) Systems in Virginia
The transportation infrastructure is a vital backbone of any regional economy as it...
QRA Model-Based Risk Impact Analysis of Traffic Flow in Urban Road Tunnels
Road tunnels are vital infrastructures providing underground vehicular passageways for...
Social Amplification of Risk in the Internet Environment
This article analyzes the dynamic process of risk amplification in the Internet...
Risk-Based Decision Support Tools: Protecting Rail-Centered Transit Corridors from Cascading Effects
We consider the value of decision support tools for passenger rail system managers....
Estimated Rate of Fatal Automobile Accidents Attributable to Acute Solvent Exposure at Low Inhaled Concentrations
Acute solvent exposures may contribute to automobile accidents because they increase...
Nuclear Power-Related Facilities and Neighboring Land Price: A Case Study on the Mutsu-Ogawara Region, Japan
From the perspective of risk, nuclear-power-related facilities (NPRFs) are often...
Optimal Experimental Design Strategies for Detecting Hormesis
Hormesis is a widely observed phenomenon in many branches of life sciences, ranging...
Using Simulation to Evaluate Time to Detect Incursions in Honeybee Biosecurity in Australia
A key determinant of the efficiency of a surveillance system for exotic mites is...
Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of Cryptosporidiosis and Giardiasis from Very Small Private Water Supplies
This article reports a quantitative microbial risk assessment of the risk of Giardia...
The Use of Individual and Societal Risk Criteria Within the Dutch Flood Safety Policy–Nationwide Estimates of Societal Risk and Policy Applications
The Dutch government is in the process of revising its flood safety policy. The...
Nonparametric Predictive Inference for Exposure Assessment
Exposure assessment for food and drink consumption requires the combining of...
Probabilistic Modeling of the Fate of Listeria Monocytogenes in Diced Bacon During the Manufacturing Process
To assess the impact of the manufacturing process on the fate of Listeria...
Predictors of Parental Risk Perceptions: The Case of Child Pedestrian Injuries in School Context
The objective of this article is to explore the factors that influence parental risk...
The Impact of Consumer Phase Models in Microbial Risk Analysis
In quantitative microbiological risk assessment (QMRA), the consumer phase model (CPM)...
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