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Keyword: risk
1845 papers
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Value-at-Risk Bounds With Variance Constraints
Rschendorf Ludger
We study bounds on the Value‐at‐Risk (VaR) of a portfolio when besides...
Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Risk-Aware Stochastic Physical Search
Brown Daniel S
We consider an intelligent agent seeking to obtain an item from one of several...
Dutch politicians’ use of cost‐benefit analysis
Mouter Niek
28 Dutch politicians and 10 top‐level civil servants were interviewed about the...
Total Economic Consequences of an Influenza Outbreak in the United States
Prager Fynnwin
Pandemic influenza represents a serious threat not only to the population of the...
Insights into the Societal Risk of Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
Denning Richard
The elements of societal risk from a nuclear power plant accident are clearly...
Failing to Fix What is Found: Risk Accommodation in the Oil and Gas Industry
Stackhouse Madelynn R D
The present program of research synthesizes the findings from three studies in line...
Quantitative Risk Analysis on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Through a Bi-Directional Road Tunnel
Caliendo Ciro
A quantitative risk analysis (QRA) regarding dangerous goods vehicles (DGVs) running...
Of Disasters and Dragon Kings: A Statistical Analysis of Nuclear Power Incidents and Accidents
Wheatley Spencer
We perform a statistical study of risk in nuclear energy systems. This study provides...
An Adaptive Simulation Framework for the Exploration of Extreme and Unexpected Events in Dynamic Engineered Systems
Zio Enrico
The end states reached by an engineered system during an accident scenario depend not...
Estimation of Benchmark Dose of Lifetime Cadmium Intake for Adverse Renal Effects Using Hybrid Approach in Inhabitants of an Environmentally Exposed River Basin in Japan
Kubo Keiko
The aim of this study is to estimate the reference level of lifetime cadmium intake...
Communicating Uncertain Science to the Public: How Amount and Source of Uncertainty Impact Fatalism, Backlash, and Overload
Jensen Jakob D
Public dissemination of scientific research often focuses on the finding (e.g.,...
The Effect of Forest Management Strategy on Carbon Storage and Revenue in Western Washington: A Probabilistic Simulation of Tradeoffs
Cullen Alison C
The objectives of this study are to understand tradeoffs between forest carbon and...
Gender Roles and the Expression of Driving Anger Among Ukrainian Drivers
Sullman M J M
The current study investigated the validity of the revised (25‐item) version of...
Precautionary Savings with Risky Assets: When Cash Is Not Cash
Gilbert Thomas
U.S. industrial firms invest heavily in noncash, risky financial assets such as...
On identification of morbidity parameters in a heterogeneous model: The cases of complete and incomplete information
Ivanov V
This paper suggests a methodology to estimate morbidity parameters in a...
Parisian ruin in the dual model with applications to the G/M/1 queue
Frostig Esther
The dual risk model describes the capital of a company with fixed expense rate and...
The non-emptiness of the core of a partition function form game
Funaki Yukihiko
The purpose of this paper is to provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the...
Pricing and clearing combinatorial markets with singleton and swap orders
Martin Alexander
In this article we consider combinatorial markets with valuations only for singletons...
Robust optimal investment and reinsurance problem for a general insurance company under Heston model
Huang Ya
In this paper, we study a robust optimal investment and reinsurance problem for a...
Production with Risk Hedging–Optimal Policy and Efficient Frontier
Yao David D
Demand for many products may depend on the price of a tradable asset or on the economy...
Modeling Gas Markets with Endogenous Long-Term Contracts
Smeers Yves
Since its initial development, long‐term contracts have been associated with...
Managing soil natural capital: a prudent strategy for adapting to future risks
Cong Rong-Gang
Farmers are exposed to substantial weather and market related risks. Rational farmers...
An adaptive and diversified vehicle routing approach to reducing the security risk of cash-in-transit operations
Bozkaya Burcin
We consider the route optimization problem of transporting valuables in...
Risk-shifting behavior at commercial banks with different deposit insurance assessments: further evidence from U.S. markets
Chang Chuang-Chang
In this article, we investigate both the risk‐shifting behavior of banks and...
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