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Keyword: statistics: distributions
548 papers
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Monitoring General Linear Profiles When Random Errors Have Contaminated Normal Distributions
Huwang Longcheen
We consider the quality of a process which can be characterized by a general linear...
A Shewhart-type Control Scheme to Monitor Weibull Data without Subgrouping
Chen Jung-Tai
This study proposes a Shewhart control scheme to simultaneously monitor the shape...
A Flexible and Generalized Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart for Count Data
Lin Zhengyan
The Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution can be used to model...
Measuring Disagreement in Qualitative Expectations
Mokinski Frieder
We assess how well measures of disagreement in qualitative survey expectations reflect...
The cost of lead-time variability: The case of the exponential distribution
He Xin James
We present closed‐form solutions for the reorder point, z , the order quantity...
Identification of transcription factor binding sites using Gaussian mixture models
Karabulut Mustafa
Identification of transcription factor binding sites still remains a challenging...
A modelling and simulation approach to assessment of a negative binomial approximation in a multi-echelon inventory system
Longo Francesco
Some studies in the multi‐echelon inventory systems literature have used a...
A gamma distributed degradation rate model for reliability analysis of concrete pipes subject to sulphide corrosion
Mahmoodian Mojtaba
Ageing and deterioration of structures and infrastructure is one of the main concerns...
Detecting and visualizing outliers in provider profiling via funnel plots and mixed effect models
Ieva Francesca
In this work we propose the use of a graphical diagnostic tool (the funnel plot) to...
A Hands-on Activity for Teaching the Poisson Distribution Using the Stock Market
Dunlap Mickey
The number of increases a particular stock makes over a fixed period follows a Poisson...
Advanced Bayesian Estimation of Weibull Early Life Failure Distributions
Kurz Daniel
In semiconductor manufacturing, it is a key to ensure reliability of the produced...
Powerful Parametric Tests Based on Sum-Functions of Spacings
Ekstrm Magnus
Assume that we have a sequence of n independent and identically distributed random...
Geodesic Monte Carlo on Embedded Manifolds
Byrne Simon
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods explicitly defined on the manifold of probability...
Statistical Corrections of Invalid Correlation Matrices
Lland Anders
Suppose estimates are available for correlations between pairs of variables but that...
Testing for a Change of the Innovation Distribution in Nonparametric Autoregression: The Sequential Empirical Process Approach
Selk Leonie
We consider a nonparametric autoregression model under conditional heteroscedasticity...
Semiparametric Time Series Models with Log-concave Innovations: Maximum Likelihood Estimation and its Consistency
Chen Yining
We study semiparametric time series models with innovations following a...
Marginal and Conditional Distribution Estimation from Double-sampled Semi-competing Risks Data
Yu Menggang
Informative dropout is a vexing problem for any biomedical study. Most existing...
Parametric Estimation of Menarcheal Age Distribution Based on Recall Data
Sengupta Debasis
Menarche, the onset of menstruation, is an important maturational event of female...
An analysis of failure-time distributions for product design optimization
Meeker William Q
Analysis of experimental data is often a problem facing design and manufacturing...
A New Distribution-free Control Chart for Joint Monitoring of Unknown Location and Scale Parameters of Continuous Distributions
Chowdhury S
While the assumption of normality is required for the validity of most of the...
Testing guaranteed exponentiality
Shanmugam Ramalingam
Among distributions that are used in survival analysis, of interest to us here is the...
Hybrid of the scatter search, improved adaptive genetic, and expectation maximization algorithms for phase-type distribution fitting
Hu Lu
Although a large number of different methods for establishing the fitting parameters...
Sensitivity analysis of the variance contributions with respect to the distribution parameters by the kernel function
Lu Zhenzhou
Variance based sensitivity indices represent how the input uncertainty influences the...
On Marshall‐Olkin type distribution with effect of shock magnitude
Ozkut Murat
In classical Marshall–Olkin type shock models and their modifications a system...
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