Keyword: statistics: distributions

Found 548 papers in total
Temporal Change Analysis Based on Data Characteristics and Nonparametric Test
Based on data characteristics and nonparametric test, a new statistical temporal...
Trend Analysis in Reference Evapotranspiration Using Mann-Kendall and Spearman’s Rho Tests in Arid Regions of Iran
In this research, temporal trends of reference evapotranspiration (ET0) values were...
Construction of asymmetric copulas and its application in two-dimensional reliability modelling
Copulas offer a useful tool in modelling the dependence among random variables. In the...
Option pricing in a conditional Bilateral Gamma model
We propose a conditional Bilateral Gamma model, in which the shape parameters of the...
A requirement for the mutation operator in continuous optimization
During the recent decades, much effort has been dedicated to revise and improve the...
A new look at dynamic behavior of binary coherent system from a state‐level perspective
In this paper we study lifetime properties of binary coherent systems from a...
Asymptotic analysis of simultaneous damages in spatial Boolean models
A notion of the positive spatial association is introduced in this paper to analyze...
Optimised estimation technique of Weibull lifetime model by using prior information
This paper suggests an estimation technique for the scale parameter (β)...
On the approximation of empirical data for service system simulations
The difficulties associated with parameter estimation for phase‐type...
Probability distribution fitting of schedule overruns in construction projects
The probability of schedule overruns for construction and engineering projects can be...
Out of range error probability assessment for any computer program
Software fails due to execution of software fault. A fault exists in software due to...
An S‐shaped software reliability model with imperfect debugging and improved testing learning process
In this paper, we propose a non‐homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP)...
Numerical method for Weibull generalized renewal process and its applications in reliability analysis of NC machine tools
In generalized renewal process (GRP) reliability analysis for repairable systems,...
Forecasting Call Center Arrivals: Fixed‐Effects, Mixed‐Effects, and Bivariate Models
We consider different statistical models for the call arrival process in telephone...
Robust control charts for controlling location parameter
Control charts are very effective tools used for detecting whether there is any...
On cumulative jump random variables
Stochastic models for phenomena that can exhibit sudden changes involve the use of...
Characteristics of service requests and service processes of fire and rescue service dispatch centers
A sufficient staffing level in fire and rescue dispatch centers is crucial for saving...
On asymmetric generalised t stochastic volatility models
In stochastic volatility (SV) models, asset returns conditional on the latent...
Quantifying uncertainty in statistical distribution of small sample data using Bayesian inference of unbounded Johnson distribution
Probabilistic analysis of physical systems requires information on the distributions...
Performance of control chart using generalised lambda distribution
Control chart is a well‐known device for achieving statistical control in a...
Estimation of reliability in a parallel system with random sample size
In this paper, we derive the distribution of life length of a parallel system with...
Assessing length of stay and associated characteristics of geriatric patients in Northern Ireland
The effective provision of care for the elderly is becoming increasingly more...
A direct calculation of moments of the sample variance
A systematic method to deal with the interrelations of systems with multi‐index...
Simulation of the CEV process and the local martingale property
We consider the constant elasticity of variance (CEV) process, reviewing the...
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