Keyword: statistics: distributions

Found 548 papers in total
On the independence between risk profiles in the compound collective risk actuarial model
This paper examines a compound collective risk model in which the primary distribution...
Uncertainty analysis of river flooding and dam failure risks using local sensitivity computations
The potential of Local Sensitivity Analysis (LSA) for analysis of uncertainty with...
Goal attainment on long tail web sites: An information foraging approach
The long tail has attracted substantial theoretical as well as practical interest, yet...
Investigating a long tail in retail vehicle sales
The concept of the long tail in demand distributions has generated significant...
Trading volume and volatility in the shipping forward freight
This paper investigates the price volatility and trading volume relationship in the...
Estimation of a quantity of interest in uncertainty analysis: Some help from Bayesian decision theory
In the context of risk analysis under uncertainty, we focus here on the problem of...
The Beta Generalized Weibull distribution: Properties and applications
A new five parameter distribution called Beta Generalized Weibull is introduced. It...
Asymptotics for continuous lifetime distributions with polynomial failure rate with an application in reliability
This paper is a continuation of work reported by Csenki (2011 ), where the...
A fast approximation method for reliability analysis of cold‐standby systems
Analyzing reliability of large cold‐standby systems has been a complicated and...
The discrete additive Weibull distribution: A bathtub‐shaped hazard for discontinuous failure data
Although failure data are usually treated as being continuous, they may have been...
Exponentiated modified Weibull extension distribution
A new modified Weibull extension distribution is proposed by Xie et al. [20]....
The failure rate dynamics in heterogeneous populations
Most populations encountered in real world are heterogeneous. In reliability...
Dynamic behavior of k‐out‐of‐n:G systems
In this paper, we study the distribution and expected value of the number of working...
A MC‐PSO approach to the failure probability evaluation of risky plant components: The maintenance design
A mandatory feature of the risky plants is the high reliability obtained through a...
A new modified Weibull distribution
We introduce a new lifetime distribution by considering a serial system with one...
Different Probability Distributions for Portfolio Selection in the Chance Constrained Compromise Programming Model
The Chance Constrained Compromise Programming model has been utilized for the...
Tail‐restricted stochastic dominance
We introduce here a class for stochastic dominance between two probability...
Monte Carlo simulation for moment‐independent sensitivity analysis
The moment‐independent sensitivity analysis (SA) is one of the most popular SA...
A phase‐type geometric process repair model with spare device procurement and repairman’s multiple vacations
This paper analyzes a phase‐type geometric process repair model with spare...
Metropolis–Hastings sampling of paths
We consider the previously unsolved problem of sampling paths according to a given...
Moment characterization of higher‐order risk preferences
This article presents a characterization of higher‐order risk preferences such...
Mixture distributions for modelling demand during lead time
A mixture distribution approach to modelling demand during lead time in a...
A note on the probability of at least k successes in n correlated binary trials
We obtain the probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of...
Effect of non-normality on the monitoring of simple linear profiles
In some statistical process control (SPC) applications, it is assumed that a quality...
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