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Keyword: transportation: road
621 papers
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Overdispersion in modelling accidents on road sections and in Empirical Bayes estimation
Hauer Ezra
In multivariate statistical models of road safety one usually finds that the accident...
From manual to electronic road congestion pricing: The Singapore experience and experiment
Phang Sock-Yong
This study reviews the efforts of Singapore to curb road congestion through restraints...
The school bus routing problem: A case study
Li L.Y.O.
This paper describes a case study of the school bus routing problem. It is formulated...
Economics of intrastate trucking regulation: Some empirical evidence
Ford Jon M.
There is a widespread misconception that the Motor Carrier Act of 1980 thoroughly...
An environmental–economic evaluation of hybrid electric vehicles: Toyota's Prius vs. its conventional internal combustion engine Corolla
Lave Lester B.
We compare the second generation of the first commercial hybrid electric vehicle...
Importance of scenic byways in route choice: A survey of driving tourists in the United States
Eby David W.
In order to develop more effective tourist information systems for use along scenic...
Profitability and welfare gain of private toll roads in a network with heterogeneous users
Yang Hai
The recent worldwide tendency towards the introduction of commercially and privately...
Optimal speed detector density for the network with travel time information
Chan K.S.
In the expressway network, detectors are installed on the links for detecting the...
Simultaneous estimation of the origin–destination matrices and travel-cost coefficient for congested networks in a stochastic user equilibrium
Yang Hai
This article proposes an optimization model for simultaneous estimation of an...
Sensitivity analysis for stochastic user equilibrium network flows – a dual approach
Ying Jiang Qian
Recently, extensive studies have been conducted on the computational methods of...
Dispatching buses in parking depots
Gallo Giorgio
Very often, space is a scarce resource in bus depots located in congested urban areas:...
An analytic stochastic model for the transit vehicle holding problem
Hickman Mark D.
This paper describes an analytic model that determines the optimal vehicle holding...
Specification and estimation of the nested logit model: Alternative normalisations
Hensher David A.
The nested logit model is currently the preferred extension to the simple multinomial...
Combining constraint programming and linear programming on an example of bus driver scheduling
Silva Amal de
This paper provides details of a successful application where the Column Generation...
Independent driving pattern factors and their influence on fuel-use and exhaust emission factors
Ericsson Eva
This study is aimed at finding independent measures to describe the dimensions of...
Optimal location of transshipment depots
Wiles Peter G.
A number of agricultural commodities are either transported once harvested to a...
An instrumented vehicle assessment of problem behavior and driving style: Do younger males really take more risks?
Boyce Thomas E.
An instrumented vehicle was used to obtain behavioral data from 61 drivers ranging in...
Auctioning rights to vehicle ownership: Singapore's experience with sealed-bid tenders
Chu Singfat
The monthly auction of rights to vehicle ownership in Singapore will switch from a...
Congestion pricing and roadspace rationing: An application to the San Francisco Bay Bridge corridor
Kockelman Kara Maria
This paper presents an empirical application of a congestion–alleviation...
Financing local rural road maintenance. Who should pay what share and why?
Dijk T. van
The benefits from minor rural road infrastructure can be very individual, when a road...
A note on ‘Highway pricing and capacity choice in a road network under a build-operate-transfer scheme’
Yang Hai
This note rectifies an error in the paper by Yang and Meng on highway pricing and...
Bus maintenance systems and maintenance scheduling: Model formulations and solutions
Haghani Ali
This paper deals with the problem of scheduling bus maintenance activities. The...
The influence of land use on travel behavior: Specification and estimation strategies
Crane Randall
While the relationship between urban form and travel behavior is a key element of many...
Uncertain socioeconomic projections used in travel demand and emissions models: Could plausible errors result in air quality nonconformity?
Johnston Robert A.
A sensitivity analysis of plausible errors in population, employment, fuel price, and...
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