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Keyword: transportation: road
621 papers
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The optimal sizing of the storage space and handling facilities for import containers
Kim Kap Hwan
This paper discusses a method of determining the optimal amount of storage space and...
The total demand scale: A new measure of quality for static and dynamic origin–destination trip tables
Bierlaire Michel
We propose a measure of quality for origin–destination (OD) trip tables...
A scheduling model and a solution algorithm for inter-city bus carriers
Yan Shangyao
The setting of timetables and bus routing/scheduling are essential to an inter-city...
Bridge strike reduction: Optimising the design of markings
Horberry Tim
Cases of high-sided vehicles striking low bridges is a large problem in many...
Scheduling of depalletizing and truck loading operations in a food distribution system
Lee Chung-Yee
This paper studies a scheduling problem arising in a beef distribution system where...
Effects of an afternoon nap on nighttime alertness and performance in long-haul drivers
Macchi M. Mila
The effects of an afternoon nap on alertness and psychomotor performance were assessed...
The independent contribution of driver, crash, and vehicle characteristics to driver fatalities
Bdard Michel
Several driver, crash, and vehicle characteristics may affect the fatality risk of...
Bottleneck road congestion pricing with a competing railroad service
Danielis Romeo
The paper examines the efficiency of different road pricing regimes in reducing the...
Further discussion of the optimization of bus dispatching
Shi Aiju
This paper transfers the problem of optimal bus dispatching into two relatively...
Modeling the vehicle routing problem for a soft drink distribution company
Ong H.L.
In this paper, we present a modeling study of vehicle routing problem (VRP) for a soft...
Benefit distribution and equity in road network design
Yang Hai
In the classical continuous network design problem, the optimal capacity enhancements...
A cell-based variational inequality formulation of the dynamic user optimal assignment problem
Lo Hong K.
This paper developed a cell-based dynamic traffic assignment formulation that follows...
An analysis of intermodal ramp selection methods
Taylor G. Don
A key issue affecting the viability and efficacy of intermodal transportation via...
Day-to-day variation in Markovian traffic assignment models
Hazelton Martin L.
Markovian traffic assignment processes form an intuitively attractive and flexible...
Capacity reliability of a road network: An assessment methodology and numerical results
Yang Hai
Existing reliability studies of road networks are mainly limited to connectivity and...
Reversibility of the time-dependent shortest path problem
Daganzo Carlos F.
Time-dependent shortest path problems arise in a variety of applications; e.g.,...
Group-based optimization of a time-dependent TRANSYT traffic model for area traffic control
Wong S.C.
In this paper, a time-dependent TRANSYT traffic model is developed for the evaluation...
Behaviour of a whole-link travel time model used in dynamic traffic assignment
Carey Malachy
Whole-link models of traffic flows have been widely used in mathematical programming...
A unified mixed logit framework for modeling revealed and stated preferences: Formulation and application to congestion pricing analysis in the San Francisco Bay area
Bhat Chandra R.
This paper formulates and applies a unified mixed-logit framework for joint analysis...
Traffic simulation models for rural road network management
Athanasenas A.
The impetus for this research paper stems from the current deterioration of the rural...
Freeway management systems and motor vehicle crashes: A case study of Phoenix, Arizona
Olmstead Todd
This paper measures the impact of a freeway management system (FMS) on the incidence...
Mechanical failures as a contributing cause to motor vehicle accidents – South Africa
Niekerk Johannes L. van
Over the past decades motor vehicles became the primary mode of transportation in...
A simple method for identifying and correcting crash problems on urban arterial streets
Williams Allan F.
Urban arterials by their nature carry heavy traffic volumes and generate large numbers...
Novice drivers' accidents and violations – a failure on higher or lower hierarchical levels of driving behaviour
Katila Ari
The study compared accident and offence rates of 28 500 novice drivers in Finland. The...
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