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Keyword: transportation: road
621 papers
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Modelling in the absence of data: A case study of fleet maintenance in a developing country
Christer A.H.
Adequate and relevant objective data for modelling maintenance decision problems are...
Modeling and algorithmic development of a staff scheduling problem
Sarin Subhash C.
The problem of scheduling workers at a hub of a trucking system for the stripping and...
Cost–benefit analysis of road safety measures: Applicability and controversies
Elvik Rune
This paper discusses the applicability of cost–benefit analysis as an aid to...
The effect of traffic policing on road safety in Israel
Beenstock Michael
We use panel data on road sections to investigate the effect of traffic policing on...
Extended time-to-collision measures for road traffic safety assessment
Bovy Piet H.L.
This article describes two new safety indicators based on the time-to-collision notion...
Transportation fuels and policy for Singapore: An analytic hierarchy process planning approach
Poh K.L.
A comprehensive study of alternative fuels for land transportation in Singapore is...
The effect of medical care by a helicopter trauma team on the probability of survival and the quality of life of hospitalised victims
Oppe Siem
In 1995, an experiment was started to give extra medical help by helicopter to...
The effects of highway transportation corridors on wildlife: A case study of Banff National Park
Alexander Shelley M.
Road fragmentation is a concern for wildlife viability in and adjacent to protected...
Intermodal and international freight network modeling
Southworth Frank
The authors describe the development and application of a single, integrated digital...
Analysis of the impact of hybrid vehicles on energy systems in Japan
Nakata Toshihiko
This study examines the impact of using hybrid vehicles for passenger transportation...
Dynamic vehicle dispatching: Optimal heavy traffic performance and practical insights
Gans Noah
We analyze a general model of dynamic vehicle dispatching systems in which congestion...
A model and tabu search method to optimize stand harvest and road construction schedules
Gunn Eldon A.
An important function of tactical planning in forest management is to choose spatially...
A three-stage heuristic for harvest scheduling with access road network development
Meller Russell D.
In this article we present a new model for the scheduling of forest harvesting with...
An exact method for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls
Mingozzi Aristide
We consider the problem in which a fleet of vehicles located at a central depot is to...
Shortest paths in traffic-light networks
Chen Yen-Liang
The time-constrained shortest path problem is an important generalization of the...
Weight of shortest path analyses for the optimal location problem
Oyama Tatsuo
In this paper we consider the shortest path counting problem ( SPCP ): how many...
An exploratory hazard-based analysis of highway incident duration
Mannering Fred
The statistical analysis of highway incident duration has become an increasingly...
The virtual warehousing concept
Landers Thomas L.
The virtual warehouse (VW) is a state of real-time global visibility for logistics...
A simultaneous route and departure time choice equilibrium model on dynamic networks
Ziliaskopoulos Athanasios K.
In this paper, we are concerned with modeling dynamic networks, when drivers...
A framework for developing a daily activity and multimodal travel planner
Kitamura Ryuichi
There is a need to further explore ways to use Advanced Traveler Information Systems...
Development of an emissions inventory model for mobile sources
Reynolds A.W.
Traffic represents one of the largest sources of primary air pollutants in urban...
Statistical methods for estimating speed correction factors with confidence intervals for mobile source emissions models
Utts Jessica
Speed correction factors are an important component of mobile source emissions models....
Are vehicle emission inspection programs living up to expectations?
Harrington Winston
To ensure that the advanced emission control systems installed on modern motor...
A truck dispatching problem in the inland container transportation with empty container
Yun Won-Young
In the container transportation of inland depots the empty container is an important...
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