Keyword: decision

Found 1805 papers in total
On fuzzy tournaments and their solution concepts in group decision making
Assuming as the point of departure a set of individual or collective fuzzy tournaments...
Pricing and promotions in asymmetric duopolies
This paper develops a modeling framework for making promotions decisions. In contrast...
Interactive group decision-making using fuzzy programming with preference criteria
This paper presents an algorithm for solving a decision situation involving many...
Impact of management information systems on decisions
The effectiveness of mangement information systems (MIS) depends upon their impact on...
Optimal expansion of competence sets and decision support
When the competence set is discrete and finite, its elements can be represented by...
PROMETHEE V: MCDM problems with segmentation constraints
Multicriteria problems with a finite set of possible alternatives grouped in clusters...
A theorem connecting utility function optimization and compromise programming
The aim of this paper is to determine conditions under which the Lagrangian maximum of...
Centralized effect on expected costs in a multi-location newsboy problem
This is a single-period single-product inventory model with several individual sources...
Uncertain search: A model of search among technologies of uncertain values
In the standard search problem there is an infinite pool of items whose distribution...
Modeling strategic decision making and performance measurement at ICI pharmaceuticals
Over 10 years, the authors have developed a DSS that is used for R&D strategic...
Scheduling the ‘Operation Desert Storm’ airlift: An advanced automated scheduling support system
A typical airlift mission carrying troops and cargo to the Persian Gulf required a...
A review of Group Decision Support Systems
A series of articles is planned in the next few issues of OR Insight covering aspects...
Managing the political context in PMS organizations
Through the use of questionnaires to CEOs of aerospace firms, data were collected on...
Updating the approach to Administrative Behavior as intent and content
This introduction to the following reprinted evaluation of Administrative Behavior...
Simon’s Administrative Behavior as intent and content
The material reprinted below appeared originally some 20 years ago in A Methodological...
Selecting a doctoral programme using the analytic hierarchy process-The importance of perspective
This paper discusses the application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to the...
Strategic management with annual and multi-year operating budgets
Budgeting has to do with the power play of forces from within and from outside...
Weighting goals in policy evaluation and budgeting
Weighting goals recognizes that not all goals are of equal importance and that...
The witch doctor effect: How professionals impress their clients and achieve a high status in society by developing a unique ‘professional mystique’
From time immemorial, first the witch doctors, then as societies became more...
Do expert systems have a future? From their adolescence to maturity
Although knowledge-based systems have dramatically expanded computer efficiency,...
When and how to use scenario planning: A heuristic approach with illustration
This paper offers a step-by-step analysis of a heuristic approach to scenario...
Strategic manipulation in a society with indivisible goods
The authors consider a problem of exchanging indivisible goods in a society, in which...
A decision support system for assessing and controlling the effectiveness of multi-echelon logistics actions
The authors designed a decision support system (DSS) to help logistics managers assess...
When is a satellite not a toaster?
Automobiles are repaired but inexpensive appliances are discarded at the first sign of...
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