Keyword: decision

Found 1805 papers in total
Relationship Identification Across Heterogeneous Online Social Networks
In the era of the social web, many people manage their social relationships through...
A note on the value of diversity in organisations
Diversity's value lies in recognising the potential opportunity and capitalising on it...
IT project management under real options theory and IT governance: a case study on organisation relocation
Information technology (IT) governance is meant to define the objectives...
The built environment determinants of activity participation and walking near the workplace
Investigating the built environment determinants of commuting behaviors to and from...
Public transport service-quality elements based on real-time operational tactics
Public transport (PT) real‐time control actions, such as daily implementation...
Mode-valued differences of in-vehicle travel time Savings
The value of in‐vehicle travel time savings ( VT ) estimated from...
Incorporating psycho-physical mapping into random regret choice models: model specifications and empirical performance assessments
Recently, regret‐based choice models have been introduced in the travel...
Understanding public transit use behavior: integration of the theory of planned behavior and the customer satisfaction theory
Understanding the motivations underlying transport mode choice is of paramount...
Simulation, numerical approximation and closed forms for joint discrete continuous models with an application to household vehicle ownership and use
Integrated models for multiple decision variables, not necessarily from the same...
Dutch politicians’ use of cost‐benefit analysis
28 Dutch politicians and 10 top‐level civil servants were interviewed about the...
Social marketing and the built environment: What matters for travel behaviour change?
Social marketing and the built environment are two important ‘tools’ to...
Indifference bands for boundedly rational route switching
The replacement I‐35W bridge in Minneapolis saw less traffic than the original...
Trip and parking generation at transit-oriented developments: a case study of Redmond TOD, Seattle region
The decision on how best to allocate land around transit stations is a debated topic,...
Modelling generalized firms’ restructuring using inverse DEA
The key consideration for firms’ restructuring is improving their operational...
Government secondary school finances in New South Wales: accounting for students’ prior achievements in a two-stage DEA at the school level
This study measures the efficiency of government secondary schools in New South Wales,...
Derivation of netput shadow prices under different levels of pest pressure
In this paper, we propose a framework to derive agricultural netput shadow prices that...
The Impact of the Potential Entry of Copycats: Entry Conditions, Consumer Welfare, and Social Welfare
This article examines the implications of the potential entry of a copycat who...
Energy Performance Contracting in a Competitive Environment*
Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is an important and effective energy conservation...
Time-Staged Overtime Staffing for Services with Updated Forecasts and Availabilities
This article develops a framework for staffing in a service environment when multiple...
Ranking medical image watermarking algorithms using the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process
Watermarking algorithms are used to make medical images resistant to tampering. Such...
Quantitative Risk Analysis on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Through a Bi-Directional Road Tunnel
A quantitative risk analysis (QRA) regarding dangerous goods vehicles (DGVs) running...
The Effect of Forest Management Strategy on Carbon Storage and Revenue in Western Washington: A Probabilistic Simulation of Tradeoffs
The objectives of this study are to understand tradeoffs between forest carbon and...
Precautionary Savings with Risky Assets: When Cash Is Not Cash
U.S. industrial firms invest heavily in noncash, risky financial assets such as...
Politically Connected Private Equity and Employment
We investigate the employment consequences of private equity buyouts. We find evidence...
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