Keyword: decision

Found 1805 papers in total
The Future is Now: Reducing Psychological Distance to Increase Public Engagement with Climate Change
Many people perceive climate change as psychologically distant–a set of...
Comparison of Risk Predicted by Multiple Norovirus Dose‐Response Models and Implications for Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment
The application of quantitative microbial risk assessments (QMRAs) to understand and...
Quantifying the Effects of Expert Selection and Elicitation Design on Experts’ Confidence in Their Judgments About Future Energy Technologies
Expert elicitations are now frequently used to characterize uncertain future...
A multi-measure and hybrid iterative procedure for marine ports (re)design
In view of the high terminal construction and maintenance costs, environmental impacts...
Cost-to-serve: a strategic tool for decision making in hotel industry using fuzzy technique
This paper aims to assess the usefulness of cost‐to‐serve as a strategic...
Operational efficiency and its determinants of Indian food and beverages industries: a DEA approach
The operational efficiency of the food and beverages industry is determined by...
Daily capacity management for hospitals: a Brazilian case study
In the short‐term, the main challenge for hospitals is to employ their facility...
When bid price is not enough: Taking better allotment decisions for Camping Revenue Management
In the hospitality industry, an allotment is a block of pre‐negociated...
A multi-criteria decision model for the selection of professional service innovative organisation
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate an application of a multi‐criteria...
Business model innovation and decision making: uncovering mechanisms for coping with uncertainty
As a research subject, business model innovation spans the strategy, innovation, and...
Are People Interested in Probabilities of Natural Disasters?
Previous research has demonstrated that in naturalistic risky decisions people tend to...
Validating Resilience and Vulnerability Indices in the Context of Natural Disasters
Due to persistent and serious threats from natural disasters around the globe, many...
Part II: Quantitative Evaluation of Choices Used in Setting Noncancer Chronic Human Health Reference Values Across Organizations
Environmental and public health organizations, including the World Health Organization...
Underprotection of Unpredictable Statistical Lives Compared to Predictable Ones
Existing ethical discussion considers the differences in care for identified versus...
Change management in the Indian pharmaceutical industry: a case study
The aim of this study is to perform qualitative analysis for finding out the best...
Modelling supply chain of rice, uncertainty factors and strategic supply management
Rice is the major staple food of India where the impact of technoenvironmental...
Optimal Retail Return Policies with Wardrobing
Many retailers offer refunds to consumers who, after a trial period, return a product...
Timing the Use of Breast Cancer Risk Information in Biopsy Decision-Making
Available clinical evidence is inconclusive on whether radiologists should use the...
Shelf Life Extending Packaging, Inventory Control and Grocery Retailing
Retailers of perishable goods are often faced with the choice between more expensive...
Tractable Consideration Set Structures for Assortment Optimization and Network Revenue Management
Discrete‐choice models are widely used to model consumer purchase behavior in...
Heuristic and exact algorithms for product configuration in software product lines
Software product line (SPL) is a set of software applications that share a common set...
Designing optimal and practical volume discounting contracts for the dominant retailer with information asymmetry
With the increasing prevalence of huge international retail chains and the...
A combined age-and-stock-based policy for ordering blood units in hospital blood banks
This paper analyses the performance of an ordering policy for hospital blood banks...
How can a retailer identify the dominant strategy in a newsvendor situation with a supplier take-it-or-leave-it offer?
In this paper, we investigate how a retailer facing the newsvendor situation with a...
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