Keyword: decision

Found 1805 papers in total
Hierarchical game joint optimization for product family-driven modular design
Product family design takes advantage of modularity to enable product variety while...
MACBETHSort: a multiple criteria decision aid procedure for sorting strategic products
Efficient companies need to know which their strategic products are. For this purpose,...
Collaborative partner or opponent: How the messenger influences the deaf effect in IT projects
Prior research suggests that information technology (IT) project escalation can result...
Interactive fuzzy stochastic multiobjective purchase and transportation planning for food retailing
This paper considers purchase and transportation planning for food retailing in Japan...
Proposing a new approach for evaluating supply chain agility by data envelopment analysis with a case study in Pashmineh Kavir factory
The aim of this survey is to propose an approach for evaluating agility ratio of...
A hybrid MCDM model for identification and prioritisation of the factors affecting shopping behaviour of foreign tourists
Today, tourism industry has an important role on global economic growth; this can be...
Using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS in fuzzy QFD: a case study in ceramic and tile industry of Iran
Quality function deployment (QFD) is a planning, problem‐solving and...
Factors influencing on Iran's image as a tourism destination
The purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing on image of Iran as...
Extension of TODIM for decision making in fuzzy environment: a case empirical research on selection of industrial robot
In order to facilitate decision making in robot selection problem, in this paper, an...
A Machine Learning-Based Approximation of Strong Branching
We present in this paper a new generic approach to variable branching in branch and...
Old Age and the Decline in Financial Literacy
Households age 60 and older bear increasing responsibility for managing retirement...
Evidence on the Presence of Representativeness Bias in Investor Interpretation of Consistency in Sales Growth
We document that consistent patterns of high or low sales growth that are incongruent...
Newsvendor Mergers
This paper studies a merger between price‐setting newsvendors in an...
Information Sampling, Belief Synchronization, and Collective Illusions
We demonstrate that a sampling‐based mechanism can offer an alternative...
Solving Chance-Constrained Optimization Problems with Stochastic Quadratic Inequalities
We propose a new and systematic reformulation and algorithmic approach to solve a...
Robust Control of Partially Observable Failing Systems
This paper is concerned with optimal maintenance decision making in the presence of...
Unemployment Risks and Optimal Retirement in an Incomplete Market
We develop a new approach for solving the optimal retirement problem for an individual...
Capacity Investment with Demand Learning
We study a firm’s optimal strategy to adjust its capacity using demand...
The Travelers Route Choice Problem Under Uncertainty: Dominance Relations Between Strategies
In this paper we describe the Traveler’s Route Choice Problem (TRCP). This is...
A Game-Theoretical Model to Improve Process Plant Protection from Terrorist Attacks
The New York City 9/11 terrorist attacks urged people from academia as well as from...
Scenario Discovery with Multiple Criteria: An Evaluation of the Robust Decision-Making Framework for Climate Change Adaptation
There is increasing concern over deep uncertainty in the risk analysis field as...
A Cognitive-Affective Scale for Hurricane Risk Perception
The aim of this study was to develop a reliable and valid measure of hurricane risk...
Defender‐Attacker Decision Tree Analysis to Combat Terrorism
We propose a methodology, called defender–attacker decision tree analysis, to...
Assessment of municipal solid waste settlement models based on field-scale data analysis
An evaluation of municipal solid waste (MSW) settlement model performance and...
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