Unemployment Risks and Optimal Retirement in an Incomplete Market

Unemployment Risks and Optimal Retirement in an Incomplete Market

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Article ID: iaor2017386
Volume: 64
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 1015
End Page Number: 1032
Publication Date: Aug 2016
Journal: Operations Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: decision, financial, investment, behaviour, combinatorial optimization, simulation

We develop a new approach for solving the optimal retirement problem for an individual with an unhedgeable income risk. The income risk stems from a forced unemployment event, which occurs as an exponentially distributed random shock. The optimal retirement problem is to determine an individual’s optimal consumption and investment behaviors and optimal retirement time simultaneously. We introduce a new convex‐duality approach for reformulating the original retirement problem and provide an iterative numerical method to solve it. Reasonably calibrated parameters say that our model can give an explanation for lower consumption and risky investment behaviors of individuals, and for relatively higher stock holdings of the poor. We also analyze the sensitivity of an individual’s optimal behavior in changing her wealth level, investment opportunity, and the magnitude of preference for postretirement leisure. Finally, we find that our model explains a countercyclical pattern of the number of unemployed job leavers.


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