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Keyword: scheduling
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Impact of Electronic Data Interchange technology on JIT shipments
Kekre Sunder
The authors investigate the degree to which increasing vertical information...
A heuristic lot scheduling method making use of the optimal schedules’ characters-A study on production ordering system in lot production system
Yasuhiro Hori
This paper deals with a heuristic scheduling method for combinatorial ‘lot size...
An evolutionary tabu search algorithm and the National Hockey League scheduling problem
Costa Daniel
This paper presents a new evolutionary procedure for solving general optimization...
A spreadsheet optimization system for library staff scheduling
Ashley David W.
Lotus 123 with a linear programming add-in provides weekly schedules for staffing a...
A branch and bound algorithm for unrelated parallel-machine scheduling problem
Hiromitsu Nomura
Suppose there are several machines of different performances and several jobs to be...
A note on the use of Lagrangean relaxation in railway scheduling
Booler J.M.P.
A previously published integer linear programming model for finding a minimum cost...
An overview of scheduling problems arising in satellite communications
Prins C.
Satellite communications, like batches of work in a job shop, need to be scheduled in...
A management support system for directing and monitoring the activities of university academic staff
Finlay P.N.
For many years Loughborough University Business School has been operating a system for...
Global supply chain management at Digital Equipment Corporation
Harrison Terry P.
Digital Equipment Corporation evaluates global supply chain alternatives and...
A minimum-cost analysts assignment model for asset evaluation of insolvent saving and loan institutions
Amini M.M.
Audit staff planning has been a challenging problem for accounting, auditing and real...
A multiple-shift workforce scheduling model under the 4-day workweek with weekday and weekend labour demands
Hung R.
This paper extends previous work on 7-days-a-week, multiple-shift workforce scheduling...
Lot streaming in a two-stage flow shop with set-up, processing and removal times separated
etinkaya F.C.
This paper considers the job (lot) scheduling problem for two-stage flow shops in...
A heuristic scheduling algorithm for improving the duration and net present value of a project
Ozdamar Linet
This paper proposes a heuristic iterative scheduling algorithm for the resource...
Hybrid structures and improving forecasting and scheduling in project management
Pollack-Johnson Bruce
In many areas of managerial decision-making and analysis, there are classical...
Optimization of production scheduling in a plastics processing industry
Teghem Jacques
Isofoam S.A. is a company specialized since 1980 in manufacturing insulating boards...
Scheduling peacetime rotation of Pakistan Army units
Dell Robert F.
Because Pakistan has varying climates and terrains, the Pakistan Army rotates its...
TREMEC revisited: An update on ‘Developing a Production System in Mexico’
Plenert Gerhard
In 1990, TREMEC, a transmission manufacturer in Mexico controlled by Clark Equipment,...
An approximate solution method for combinatorial optimization. Hybrid approach of genetic algorithm and Lagrange relaxation method
Tamura Hiroyuki
In this paper the authors deal with an efficient method for obtaining a suboptimal...
A quadratic integer programming method for minimizing the mean squared deviation of completion times
Ventura Jose A.
The problem of minimizing the mean squared deviation (MSD) of job completion times...
An interactive, optimization-based decision support system for scheduling part-time computer lab attendants
Brusco M.J.
The labor tour scheduling problem has attracted much recent research, focusing on the...
Using multiple correspondence analysis in the analysis of simulation experiments: A study of dynamic scheduling strategies
Pierreval H.
In many cases, simulation is used to compare several scheduling strategies that may be...
Equipment selection and machine scheduling in general mail facilities
Bard Jonathan F.
With the goal of fiscal self-sufficiency, the United States Postal Service has...
A nonlinear model for capacity allocation and throughput determination in cellular manufacturing systems
Mehrez Abraham
The ability of modern manufacturing systems to be operated profitably at different...
A genetic algorithm for public transport driver scheduling
Wren Anthony
The problem of constructing daily shifts for public transport (generally bus) drivers...
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