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Keyword: deteriorating items
269 papers
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Optimal order policy for deteriorating items with price discounts
Xu Lijian
In this paper, we first give an inventory model for a single deteriorating item and...
Optimal order policies for perishable items with holding cost functions
Mao Xiaoli
The inventory problems solved by classical economic order quantity models all treat...
An inventory model for deteriorating items with partial backlogging and permissible delay in payments
Chang H.-J.
The paper deals with an inventory model with a varying rate of deterioration and...
A production lot size inventory model for deteriorating items with time-varying demand
Wang T.Y.
This paper presents a production lot size model for deteriorating items with...
An economic order quantity model for deteriorating items with time-dependent deterioration rate, demand rate, unit production cost and shortages
Chaudhuri K.S.
An order level inventory model is developed for a deteriorating item with a linear...
Economic order quantity (EOQ) model of goods apt to deteriorate
Luo Yiping
In the paper, the problem of inventory of goods which are apt to deteriorate is...
A survey of maintenance policies of deteriorating systems
Wang Hongzhou
In the past several decades, maintenance and replacement problems of deteriorating...
An inventory model for deteriorating items under the condition of permissible delay in payments
Liao Hung-Chang
In this study, we develop inventory models for Weibull distribution deterioration...
An inventory model for deteriorating items under the condition of permissible delay in payments
Chang Horng-Jinh
In economic order quantity (EOQ) models, it is often assumed that the payment of an...
On the minimum solution of the inventory system for deteriorating items with shortages and time-varying demand
Chen Patrick S.
We study the inventory model for deteriorating items with shortages and time-varying...
Optimal inventory replenishment model with time-varying demand, Weibull distribution deterioration and shortages under a shortage followed by inventory policy
Wu Kun-Shan
We consider here the inventory replenishment problem over a finite time horizon for a...
A deteriorating inventory model with a temporary price discount: A present-value approach
Wee H.M.
Inventory models considering a temporary price discount have recently become an active...
Deterministic inventory model of deteriorating items sold from two shops under a single management
Maiti M.
This paper deals with two shops (primary and secondary) inventory models of...
A stochastic inventory model for deteriorating items with random supply quantity
Pakkala T.P.M.
In this paper, we consider a continuous review (s,S) inventory system with stochastic...
Inventory of multi-deteriorating items sold from two shops under single management with constraints on space and investment
Maiti M.
In this study, we propose an inventory model for several continuously deteriorating...
Recent trends in modeling of deteriorating inventory
Goyal S.K.
This paper presents a review of the advances of deteriorating inventory literature...
Age-based vs. stock level control policies for a perishable inventory system
Berk Emre
In this study, we investigate the impact of modified lotsize-reorder control policy...
A note for ‘On an inventory model for deteriorating items and time-varying demand’
Chu P.
In this technical note we discuss a paper of Benkherouf and Balkhi recently published...
On a finite horizon production lot size inventory model for deteriorating items: An optimal solution
Balkhi Zaid T.
A generalized production lot size inventory model for deteriorating items over a...
An optimal replenishment policy for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and partial – exponential type – backlogging
Papachristos S.
We study a continuous review inventory model over a finite-planning horizon with...
Replenishment and pricing policy for deteriorating items taking into account the time-value of money
Wee Hui-Ming
A deteriorating inventory model taking into account the time-value of money is...
A single-period perishable inventory model where deterioration begins at a random point in time
Rahim M.A.
This paper develops a single-period inventory model where the stock begins to...
A note on the inventory model of Benkherouf
Chen Patrick S.
We study the inventory model with deteriorating items and decreasing time varying...
Inventory systems for deteriorating items with shortages and a linear trend in demand – taking account of time value
Chung Kun-Jen
This paper derives an inventory model for deteriorating items with the demand of...
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