Deterministic inventory model of deteriorating items sold from two shops under a single management

Deterministic inventory model of deteriorating items sold from two shops under a single management

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Article ID: iaor20022131
Country: India
Volume: 38
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 266
End Page Number: 282
Publication Date: Jun 2001
Authors: , ,
Keywords: deteriorating items

This paper deals with two shops (primary and secondary) inventory models of deteriorating items under single management. After replenishment, fresh and deteriorated units (measured in amount) are separated first, then fresh units are stocked and sold from the primary shop with a profit, whereas the deteriorated units are continuously transferred to the secondary shop as and when they are deteriorated and sold from this shop at a reduced price. This model considers the impact of pricing and stock-dependency in demand as well as backorder decision in the primary shop on the profitability of the system. To meet up the backlogged units, the management purchases higher priced fresh units along with the lot. Finally, a numerical example is used to study the behaviour of the model.


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