Keyword: graphs

Found 1175 papers in total
Locating a broadcast facility in an unreliable network
A simple model of an unreliable communications network is a probabilistic graph in...
Netform modeling and applications
Many real-world applications have profited from netform innovations in both modeling...
The auction algorithm for assignment and other network flow problems: A tutorial
The auction algorithm is an intuitive method for solving the classical assignment...
The minimum bandwidth problem as an assignment problem with side constraints
A mathematical programming formulation of the minimum bandwidth problem is presented....
Efficient greedy heuristics for Steiner Tree problems using reoptimization and supermodularity
The optimum Steiner Tree problem in a (nondirected) graph is known to belong to the...
Ballots, queues and random graphs
This paper demonstrates how a simple ballot theorem leads, through the interjection of...
Managing Hidroelectrica Espanola’s hydroelectric power system
Beginning in 1984, Algorithmics Inc. together with Hidroeléctrica...
Flow with convex separable costs: A discretization algorithm
The problem of flow optimization in a network with convex costs can be solved by...
Fault-tolerant hypercube architecture without a switching mechanism
This paper proposes a new universal fault-tolerant hypercube architecture. This...
On converting a dual graph into a block layout
One of the difficulties associated with the application of graph theory to the...
The Eastern Province Blood Transfusion Service: A case study
An analysis was made of the location of the nine blood banks in the Eastern Province...
Graph theory and traffic management: A review of recent progress and some potential applications
The paper investigates the use of graph theory as a potential way for making better...
Surveys in Combinatorial Optimization
What is nowadays referred to as ‘Combinatorial Optimization, derives from the...
A new heuristic for partitioning the nodes of a graph
There is a class of graph partitioning algorithms which improve an initial partition...
Total domination and irredundance in weighted interval graphs
In an undirected graph, a subset X of the nodes is a total dominating set if each node...
Computing the bump number is easy
The bump number b ( P ) of a partial order P is the minimum number of comparable...
Decomposition and optimization over cycles in binary matroids
For k =2 and 3, the authors define several k- sums of binary matroids and of...
On the rate of convergence of some stochastic processes
The paper presents a general technique for obtaining bounds on the deviation of the...
Note on the universal bases of a pair of polymatroids
This note gives a characterization of the universal pair of bases of a pair of...
Some logical aspects of information processing
This paper is concerned with dynamic aspects of knowledge representation. A model for...
Computer-aided site layout for construction projects-A graph theoretic approach
Computers have been used for plant layouts, facility planning etc. for the last over...
Solution of special scheduling problems by some neighbourhood structures of iteration methods
Many discrete optimization problems belong to the class of NP-hard problems. Therefore...
An enumeration algorithm for combinatorial problems of the reliability analysis of binary coherent systems
In this paper the problem of the generation of all elements of a system of sets is...
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