Note on the universal bases of a pair of polymatroids

Note on the universal bases of a pair of polymatroids

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Article ID: iaor1988752
Country: Japan
Volume: 31
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 565
End Page Number: 572
Publication Date: Dec 1988
Journal: Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
Keywords: graphs, optimization

This note gives a characterization of the universal pair of bases of a pair of polymatroids as the nearest pair of bases with respect to a class of pseudo-distances including the Kullback-Leibler divergence. N. Megiddo considered the lexico-optimal flow problem in a multiterminal network N=(V,A,c;S’+,S’-) (V: vertex set, A: arc set, A: arc set, c: capacity, S’+: supply (source) vertices, S’-: demand (sink) vertices), which is to find a maximal flow such that the supply flow (s’+(ν)ℝνS’+) [resp., the demand flow (s’-(ν)ℝνS’-)] is as proportional as possible to a given weight vector. This problem is treated by S. Fujishige as a special case of the lexico-optimal base problem for a single polymatroid. This paper considers the problem of finding a maximal flow such that the supply flow s’+ and the demand flow s’- are as ‘near’ as possible (where a one-to-one correspondence between S’+ and S’- is assumed to be given), and generalizes it to the problem of finding a ‘nearest’ pair of bases of a pair of polymatroids. It is shown that the ‘nearest’ pair coincides with the universal pair if either of the following criteria is adopted: (1) the f-divergence (a generalization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence) between the bases should be minimized; (2) the vector consisting of the ratios of the corresponding components of the bases should be lexicographically maximized.


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