Keyword: simulation

Found 2961 papers in total
Comparisons of ticket and standard queues
Upon arrival to a ticket queue, a customer is offered a slip of paper with a number on...
Heavy-traffic fluid limits for periodic infinite-server queues
To better understand what stochastic model might be appropriate in applications with...
Effects of Network Characteristics on Reaching the Payoff-Dominant Equilibrium in Coordination Games: A Simulation study
We study how payoffs and network structure affect reaching the payoff‐dominant...
Evolutionary Stability and the Evolution of Cooperation on Heterogeneous Graphs
Recent studies have revealed that graph heterogeneity can considerably affect...
The Ordered Timeline Game: Strategic Posting Times Over a Temporally Ordered Shared Medium
We consider a game of timing between a random number of content creators, who compete...
The Subgame-Consistent Shapley Value for Dynamic Network Games with Shock
In the paper, cooperative repeated network games containing network formation stages...
Mean-Field Game Modeling the Bandwagon Effect with Activation Costs
This paper provides a mean‐field game theoretic model of the bandwagon effect...
Network Characteristics Enabling Efficient Coordination: A Simulation Study
Using data generated by extensive simulations of a process where individuals interact...
Service differentiation in a single-period inventory model with numerous customer classes
We study critical‐level inventory‐management policies as means to...
A robust asset‐liability management framework for investment products with guarantees
This paper suggests a robust asset–liability management framework for investment...
The impact of the number of parallel warehouses on total inventory
In the strategic design of a distribution system, the right number of stock points for...
On the optimal control for fractional multi-strain TB model
In this paper, optimal control of a general nonlinear multi‐strain tuberculosis...
A convex relaxation for the time-optimal trajectory planning of robotic manipulators along predetermined geometric paths
In this paper, we deal with the problem of time‐optimal trajectory planning and...
A comparison of strategies to develop a customer default scoring model
Behavioural scoring models are generally used to estimate the probability that a...
An EPQ model with reliability in an imperfect production system at the presence of two sale policies of prepayment and delay in payment
An economic production quantity model is developed in this paper for an imperfect...
Synchronisation of order cycles of multiple buyers in a supply chain with trade credit policy
In this paper, we propose a coordinated single‐vendor multi‐buyer supply...
Production inventory model with deteriorating items with constant, linear and quadratic holding cost - a comparative study
In the classical inventory model, the holding cost was assumed to be constant....
Assessing the responsiveness of supply chain - structural equation modelling based approach
Companies worldwide have now realised that 'customer focus' is what wins the game. As...
Integrated versus individual approach in products distribution networks
The purpose of this paper is to compare the effectiveness of two approaches for...
Learning in Games via Reinforcement and Regularization
We investigate a class of reinforcement learning dynamics where players adjust their...
An Adjusted Payoff-Based Procedure for Normal Form Games
We study a simple adaptive model in the framework of an N ‐player normal form...
Liability Concentration and Systemic Losses in Financial Networks
The objective of this study is to develop a majorization‐based tool to compare...
When Micro Prudence Increases Macro Risk: The Destabilizing Effects of Financial Innovation, Leverage, and Diversification
By exploiting basic common practice accounting and risk‐management rules, we...
An Optimization View of Financial Systemic Risk Modeling: Network Effect and Market Liquidity Effect
Financial institutions are interconnected directly by holding debt claims against each...
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