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Keyword: supply & supply chains
1193 papers
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Mechanism Design for Capacity Planning Under Dynamic Evolutions of Asymmetric Demand Forecasts
zer zalp
This paper investigates the role of time in forecast information sharing and decision...
Selling to Conspicuous Consumers: Pricing, Production, and Sourcing Decisions
Veeraraghavan Senthil
Consumers often purchase goods that are ‘hard to find’ to conspicuously...
Fee‐for‐Service Contracts in Pharmaceutical Distribution Supply Chains: Design, Analysis, and Management
Gavirneni Srinagesh
Fee‐for‐service (FFS) contracts, first introduced in 2004, dramatically...
Identifying productivity indicators from business strategies' surveys
Helo Petri
This study aims to identify suitable productivity indicators derived from a firm's...
An application of analytic network process for selection of a plant location: a case study
Kodali Rambabu
Location decision is considered to be one of the strategic decisions in the fields of...
A simulation study on strategy to mitigate leadtime uncertainty risk in the context of information sharing
Kaur Arshinder
Lead time is an inseparable factor of any supply chain. Lead time uncertainty is known...
A Model‐Based Approach and Analysis for Multi‐Period Networks
Hosseini Seyed
The aim of this contribution is to address a general class of network problems, very...
Managing Dynamic Inventory Systems with Product Returns: A Markov Decision Process
Li Xiaoming
This paper presents a Markov decision process for managing inventory systems with...
A hybrid population heuristic for the heterogeneous vehicle routing problems
Liu Shuguang
The heterogeneous vehicle routing problem (HVRP) plays an important role in supply...
A hybrid Delphi‐SWOT paradigm for oil and gas pipeline strategic planning in Caspian Sea basin
Tavana Madjid
The Caspian Sea basin holds large quantities of both oil and natural gas that could...
The effect of transaction costs, payment terms and power on the level of raw materials inventories
Emery Gary W
This paper proposes and tests an explanation for the level of raw materials...
Safety hazard and time to recall: The role of recall strategy, product defect type, and supply chain player in the U.S. toy industry
Roth Aleda V
This research identifies and tests key factors that can be associated with time to...
Service Commitment Strategy and Pricing Decisions in Retail Supply Chains with Risk‐Averse Players
Xiao Tiaojun
We study the service commitment strategy and pricing decisions in a...
E‐procurement Service Provider Selection–An Analytic Network Process‐Based Group Decision‐Making Approach
Ramkumar M
E‐procurement is used by companies as a tool to reduce procurement costs, bring...
A heuristic approach to the design of fortified distribution networks
Savachkin Alex
Lean distribution networks have been increasingly exposed to the risk of unpredicted...
Agent‐enabled service‐oriented decision support systems
Srinivasan Ananth
The design of Decision Support Systems have recently emphasized web enablement as the...
Selecting malaria interventions: A top‐down approach
Morton David P
Malaria continues to be a great burden on both morbidity and mortality as well as...
Formal Vulnerability Assessment of a maritime transportation system
Berle yvind
World trade increasingly relies on longer, larger and more complex supply chains,...
The roles of ICT in driverless, automated railway operations
Narayanaswami Sundaravalli
Transportation plays an important role in building supply chains; several emerging...
Chosen aspects of logistics network design method for production service companies
JacynaGoda Ilona
This paper introduces the method of designing logistic network for manufacturing...
Implementing collaborative practices in the healthcare supply chain: insights into hospital‐vendor operations
Matopoulos Aristides
The paper discusses the characteristics of healthcare supply chains, and puts...
An integrated retail space allocation and lot sizing models under vendor managed inventory and consignment stock arrangements
Al-Ahmari Abdulrahman
In this paper, we develop integrated retail shelf space allocation and inventory...
Strategic analysis of technology and capacity investments in the liquefied natural gas industry
Kekre Sunder
Energy plays a fundamental role in both manufacturing and services, and natural gas is...
Coordination of advertising in supply chain management with cooperating manufacturer and retailers
Szidarovszky Ferenc
Cooperative (co‐op) advertising is a promotion mechanism widely used by...
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