Keyword: supply & supply chains

Found 1193 papers in total
A Multiechelon Inventory Problem with Secondary Market Sales
We consider a finite‐horizon, multiechelon inventory system in which the...
Location of temporary depots to facilitate relief operations after an earthquake
The type of humanitarian logistics problem of interest is an earthquake with...
A continuous‐review inventory model with random disruptions at the primary supplier
We consider a continuous‐review inventory problem for a retailer facing...
RFID‐generated traceability for contaminated product recall in perishable food supply networks
As perishable food supply networks become more complex, incidents of contamination in...
Analysis of a two‐echelon inventory system with two supply modes
In this paper, we consider a serial two‐echelon periodic review inventory...
Optimal inventory management for a retail chain with diverse store demands
Item demands at individual retail stores in a chain often differ significantly, due to...
The Effect of Payment Schemes on Inventory Decisions: The Role of Mental Accounting
Does the payment scheme have an effect on inventory decisions in the newsvendor...
A class of joint production and transportation planning problems under different delivery policies
This paper examines a manufacturer’s integrated planning problem for the...
Implementing a parametric maximum flow algorithm for optimal open pit mine design under uncertain supply and demand
Conventional open pit mine optimization models for designing mining phases and...
Network interconnectivity with competition and regulation
A simple theoretical network model is introduced to investigate the problem of network...
Integrating Long‐Term and Short‐Term Contracting in Beef Supply Chains
This paper analyzes the optimal procurement, processing, and production decisions of a...
Channel coordination in green supply chain management
Environmental consciousness has become increasingly important in everyday life and...
Characterization of demand for short life‐cycle technology products
Most technology companies are experiencing highly volatile markets with increasingly...
A logistics deployment decision support system at Pfizer
We constructed a decision‐support‐system (DSS) to help the distribution...
Cascading Knapsack Inequalities: reformulation of a crude oil distribution problem
In this paper we consider the problem in which crude oil is shipped from platforms to...
A study on coordination of capacity allocation for different types of contractual retailers
Because the demand is uncertain and it is impossible to expand capacity immediately,...
Articulating a trans‐boundary infrastructure supply chain greenhouse gas emission footprint for cities: Mathematical relationships and policy relevance
This paper compares the policy relevance and derives mathematical relationships...
Analysis of a multi‐component periodic review inventory system in an assembly environment
Inventory systems within production or distribution chains typically interact with...
A pragmatic stochastic decision model for supporting goods trans‐shipments in a supply chain environment
This paper develops a set of decision rules to assist wholesalers to decide whether it...
Reference price effect and its implications for decision making in online auctions: An empirical study
Simultaneous supplies of an item by multiple online auction vendors greatly reduce the...
A demand‐responsive decision support system for coal transportation
In this paper, a demand‐responsive decision support system is proposed by...
An FPTAS for the single‐item capacitated economic lot‐sizing problem with supply and demand
We present a fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for the...
Interactive fuzzy goal programming for a multi‐objective closed‐loop logistics network
Over the last decade, there has been increased attention to closed‐loop...
Scheduling incoming and outgoing trucks at cross docking terminals to minimize the storage cost
Cross docking terminals allow companies to reduce storage and transportation costs in...
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