Keyword: statistics: general

Found 441 papers in total
Subroutines for computing normal probabilities of sets – computer experiences
A subroutine package, called NORSET, has been prepared, that – via Monte Carlo...
The temporal development of strategy: Patterns in the UK insurance industry
Much writing in the field of strategic management remains an exercise in comparative...
Estimation and empirical evaluation of the time-dependent Extended-CIR term structure model
Empirical study of 25 years US Treasury bills data shows that even when the spot...
On the directional bias of the lbp-norm
The weighted sum of order p , the l bp -norm, is a generalization of the well-known l...
Circular/wrap-around self-organizing map networks: An empirical study in clustering and classification
Kohonen's self-organizing map (SOM) network is one of the most important network...
A general solution of the preventive maintenance problem when data are right-censored
In this paper, we suggest a new approach to solve the preventive maintenance problem,...
Estimating repair effect and parameters of intensity function under the repair model of Brown, Mahoney and Sivazlian
Estimation problems of parameters of the failure process and the repair effect in...
An exploratory statistical analysis of financial measures
Mixed graphical models are a class of models encompassing both graphical...
Statistical analysis of computational tests of algorithms and heuristics
Statistical analysis is a powerful tool to apply when evaluating the performance of...
Hedonic regressions: An application to video recorders using scanner data
This study provides results for an hedonic regression for VCRs in the UK using...
The future role of statistics in quality engineering and management
Statisticians are concerned that the business world does not regard statistical...
An analysis of customer retention and insurance claim patterns using data mining: A case study
The insurance industry is concerned with many problems of interest to the operational...
The use of resampling for estimating control chart limits
This paper proposes a resampling procedure for estimating the control limits of any...
An improved neural classification network for the two-group problem
In this paper we present the neural network model known as the mixture-of-experts...
Long-run abstinence after narcotics abuse: What are the odds?
We consider the long-run odds that narcotics users remain abstinent after methadone...
Learning with queries corrupted by classification noise
Kearns introduced the ‘statistical query’ model as a general method for...
Robust process capability indices
Many organizations are mandating the use of process capability indices to measure and...
Bayesian analysis of fixed-interval preventive-maintenance models
This article develops methods for making accurate decisions when scheduling preventive...
Average run lengths for moving average control charts
We are interested in E[ N ], the mean time until the most recent k values of a...
A capacity model for all-way stop-controlled intersections based on stream interactions
This paper presents a methodology for analyzing the capacity of all-way...
A review and interpretations of process capability indices
Practitioners of industrial statistics are generally familiar with the common C p and...
Life-expectancy in a nonhomogeneous population
Mortality differentials exist even among people of the same age and environmental...
Gambling on HI–LO: An evaluation of alternative playing strategies
Gambling (betting and gaming) is an increasingly important sector of the UK leisure...
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