The use of resampling for estimating control chart limits

The use of resampling for estimating control chart limits

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Article ID: iaor20002038
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 50
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 651
End Page Number: 659
Publication Date: Jun 1999
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: , ,
Keywords: statistics: general

This paper proposes a resampling procedure for estimating the control limits of any statistical control chart which is based on a statistic calculated from a random sample of data. This includes charts for the mean, range, standard deviation, median, proportion defective, number defective and so on. This procedure has advantages over conventional methods in its conceptual simplicity and transparency, flexibility, generality and robustness. The paper describes the operation of a simple program (available from the internet) for carrying out the resampling procedure.


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