Journal: Agroforestry Systems

Found 83 papers in total
Millwood honeylocust trees: seedpod nutritive value and yield characteristics
The Millwood (MW) cultivar of the honeylocust ( Gleditsia triacanthos L.) tree has...
Allometric relationships of frequently used shade tree species in cacao agroforestry systems in Sulawesi, Indonesia
Shade trees play an important role within agroforestry systems by influencing...
Ecosystem services in human-dominated landscapes: insectivory in agroforestry systems
Despite of being structurally simpler and species‐impoverished than natural...
Modeling tree cover changes in a pasture-dominated landscape by adopting silvopastoral practices in a dry forest region in Central Brazil
Pastures are a major soil cover in Central Brazil, especially in rich soils previously...
Growth, productivity and quality of Megathyrsus maximus under cover from Gliricidia sepium
The effect of tree canopy on the growth, productivity and forage quality of...
Seasonal change and distribution of grass nutritive values and minerals in an open pasture surrounded by forest
The forage quality of pasture species is spatially heterogeneous. In this study, we...
Date of pruning of Guazuma ulmifolia during the rainy season affects the availability, productivity and nutritional quality of forage during the dry season
Guazuma ulmifolia was experimentally pruned to determine when pruning should begin...
Root distribution and interactions in jujube tree/wheat agroforestry system
Even though agronomists have considered the spatial root distribution of plants to be...
Response of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. to inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi isolates in sterilized and unsterilized soils in Senegal
The benefits of inoculation with six arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) isolates (...
Allometric equations for estimating aboveground biomass of Coffea arabica L. grown in the Rift Valley escarpment of Ethiopia
Coffee, Coffea arabica L., which is native to Ethiopia, is the world’s most...
Selected carbon fluxes in Pinus ponderosa‐based silvopastoral systems, exotic plantations and natural pastures on volcanic soils in the Chilean Patagonia
This study was undertaken to measure certain carbon (C) fluxes in a Pinus ponderosa...
Traditional knowledge and practices on utilisation and marketing of Yeheb (Cordeauxia edulis) in Ethiopia
Cordeauxia edulis (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae), commonly called Yeheb, is a small...
Plant‐community characteristics of bahiagrass pasture during conversion to longleaf‐pine silvopasture
Silvopasture is considered a sustainable agroforestry practice as a result of benefits...
Estimating the maple syrup production potential of American forests: an enhanced estimate that accounts for density and accessibility of tappable maple trees
This paper examines the maple syrup production potential of American forests by...
Preliminary carbon sequestration modelling for the Australian macadamia industry
There is a need to accurately estimate the carbon sequestration potential of many of...
Does biomass production depend on plant community diversity?
In order to ensure the sustainability of agroecosystems, biodiversity must be a...
Evaluating the suitability of nine shelterbelt species for dendrochronological purposes in the Canadian Prairies
Shelterbelts have played an important role in prairie agriculture since the late...
Agroforestry systems as habitat for herpetofauna: is there supporting evidence?
The need to carry out biological conservation outside protected areas requires...
Cost‐benefit analysis of alternative forms of hedgerow intercropping in the Philippine uplands
Considerable resources have been expended promoting hedgerow intercropping with shrub...
A data mining approach to improve multiple regression models of soil nitrate concentration predictions in Quercus rotundifolia montados (Portugal)
The changes in the soil nitrate concentration were studied during 2 years in a...
Community assessment of agroforestry opportunities in GaMothiba, South Africa
Evaluating environmentally sustainable and culturally sensitive approaches to natural...
Potential contribution of Quercus durata and Adenostoma fasciculatum supplemented with Medicago sativa on intake and digestibility in sheep and goats
A digestion trial was conducted to estimate the potential contribution of the...
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