Journal: Agroforestry Systems

Found 83 papers in total
Variation in growth and fruit yield of populations of Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst
Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst. (marula) is one of the most important indigenous...
Indigenous innovation incorporates biochar into swidden-fallow agroforestry systems in Amazonian Peru
A pressing challenge facing poor farmers is how to maintain yields in...
Carbon sequestration potential and cost-benefit analysis of hybrid poplar, grain corn and hay cultivation in southern Quebec, Canada
Fast‐growing trees provide opportunities for carbon (C) sequestration. This...
Managing tropical agroforestry for conservation of flocking migratory birds
Agroforestry systems have great potential to conserve biodiversity in...
Quantification of carbon stock and tree diversity of homegardens in a dry zone area of Moneragala district, Sri Lanka
Homegarden agroforestry systems are suggested to hold a large potential for climate...
Assessing the air pollution tolerance index and anticipated performance index of some tree species for biomonitoring environmental health
The effectiveness of tree species as bioindicators/biomonitors depends on appropriate...
Biological potential of four indigenous tree species from seasonally dry tropical forest for soil restoration
Litterfall and its subsequent decomposition in the soil are two essential ecosystem...
The impact of human activity on the biomass allocation of a medicinal herbaceous species in an agroforestry system of Southwest China
Human activity has a greater influence on plants than on any of the other components...
Comparison of intrinsic water use efficiency between different aged Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica wide windbreaks in semiarid sandy land of northern China
Dieback of Mongolian pine ( Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica ) wide windbreaks often...
Assessment of the gross primary production dynamics of a Mediterranean holm oak forest by remote sensing time series analysis
Agroforestry ecosystems have a significant social, economic and environmental impact...
Population structure and regeneration status of Vitellaria Paradoxa (C. F. Gaertner) under different land management regimes in Atacora department, Benin
Vitellaria paradoxa (shea) parklands are one of the major features of the Sudanian...
Carbon dioxide mitigation potential and carbon density of different land use systems along an altitudinal gradient in north-western Himalayas
The present study estimated the biomass, carbon density and carbon dioxide mitigation...
What are the effects of aromatic plants and meteorological factors on Pseudococcus comstocki and its predators in pear orchards?
The interactions of major pests with their natural enemies in the environment of...
Production of Hericium sp. (Lion’s Mane) mushrooms on totem logs in a forest farming system
Hericium is an edible, highly sought after wood rotting fungus of temperate deciduous...
The effect of shade and shade material on white clover/perennial ryegrass mixtures for temperate agroforestry systems
White clover/perennial ryegrass mixtures ( Trifolium repens L., Lolium perenne L.) are...
Productivity of Jatropha curcas under smallholder farm conditions in Kenya
With the global bioenergy boom, the planting of jatropha ( Jatropha curcas ) was...
Chemical composition and dry matter degradation characteristics of multi-purpose trees and shrubs in the humid lowlands of southeastern Nigeria
Twenty weeks forage re‐growth from 20 multipurpose trees and shrubs (MPTS)...
Clonal variation in growth, arsenic and heavy metal uptakes of hybrid Eucalyptus clones in a Mediterranean environment
Variation in growth, arsenic and heavy metal uptakes by aboveground tissues (leaves,...
Coffee agrosystems: an important refuge for amphibians in central Veracruz, Mexico
Of the most common types of land use, agroecosystems put enormous pressure on many...
Allometric biomass equations for tree species used in agroforestry systems in Uganda
Estimates of above‐ground biomass are required for better planning, sustainable...
Farm woodlots in rural Rwanda: purposes and determinants
The development of farm woodlots as an alternative source of livelihood for...
Impact of earthworm casts on soil pH and calcium carbonate in black truffle burns
Granules of calcium carbonate are known to be produced by the calciferous glands of...
Recognition of shelterbelt continuity using remote sensing and waveform recognition
Shelterbelt systems play an important and long‐term role in ecological...
Decomposition and nutrient release in leaves of Atlantic Rainforest tree species used in agroforestry systems
Aiming to support the use of native species from the Atlantic Rainforest in local...
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