This paper examines the maple syrup production potential of American forests by analyzing Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA) data provided by the US Forest Service on the resource of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) trees in twenty states. The analysis is based on tree species and size (diameter at breast height, or dbh), ownership category, jurisdiction, the density of maple trees in a stand, and the distance of the stand to an access road. Although there are over 2 billion sugar and red maple trees of tappable size growing in US forests, when narrowed down according to the attributes of an optimal ‘sugarbush’, there are 100 million potential taps from sugar maples alone and 286 million potential taps with sugar and red maples combined. Overall, 45 % of the tappable‐size maple trees are found in stands whose density is not high enough to support commercial sap extraction whereas only 6 % are found in stands that are at least 1.6 km from an access road. The ten states with commercial maple syrup industries have a much higher percentage of their maple trees occurring in stands of optimal density and also contain a higher percentage of sugar maple than red maple trees. States that are utilizing the highest percentage of their potential sugarbushes include Vermont and Maine, whereas states that have significant room for expansion include Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania.