Journal: IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry

Found 203 papers in total
A mixed integer programming model of a multicohort single-species fishery
Many marine fisheries are under pressure from overfishing. Fisheries management is a...
Availability measures for components maintained by repair-replacement policies
A renewal-reward process model is given for a component maintained by a general...
Optimal policy for a general repair replacement model: Average reward case
For a general repair replacement model, two types of replacement policy are studied....
Basic probabilistic and statistical concepts for maintenance of parts and systems
Mathematical models are presented which are useful for determining when replacement or...
Computation of optimal policies in replacement models
The problem of optimal replacement for a deteriorating system, subject to inspection...
A graphical procedure for an on-condition maintenance policy: Imperfect inspection model and interpretation
This paper considers on-condition maintenance based on periodic inspection and control...
Costing minimal-repair replacement policies over finite time horizons
An integral-equation technique is used to evaluate the expected cost of maintaining a...
Predicting failures in power plant components
Slowly growing defects in the components of a certain power station unit have led to...
Comparative statistical techniques in maintenance management
A common problem in industry is to compare the ‘life to failure’ of two...
The maximal-dispersion problem
This paper considers the problem of selecting p points from m points, so that the p...
Recent mathematical developments in decision analysis
Decision analysts use mathematics in two conceptually distinct, though often...
On sensitivity analysis in the analytic hierarchy process
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a popular multiobjective tool of decision...
An integral-equation approach for replacement modelling over finite time horizons
An integral-equation approach to calculating the exact and asymptotic estimates of...
The autocorrelation function of a time series with a deterministic component
The standard calculation of the autocorrelation function (acf) assumes stationarity....
Optimal inspection policies where penalty costs are proportional to the duration of the inspection interval containing the failure
Inspection problems arise in connection with systems which are subject to random...
Linear relationships for constrained multiple-item inventory systems
Inventory control is a problem common to many businesses and manufacturing systems....
A recent mathematical development in maintenance theory
This paper introduces the mathematics of delay-time analysis and places it in context....
Linear-feedback recruitment policies for constant-size manpower systems
Feedback control principles are used to develop recruitment policies for manpower...
Risk analysis: A view from 1990
This paper reviews approaches to the analysis of risk in business and industry, with...
A simulation solution to the PERT problem
The completion times of a set of paths through a PERT network are expressed in terms...
Incremental calculus and its applications
Incremental calculus is a powerful and flexible tool for the analysis of system...
Mean-Gini dominance in decision analysis
The use of Gini’s mean difference as a criterion in decision analysis is...
Heuristic programming
This paper takes a general look at the nature of current heuristic programming, its...
Some applications of queueing theory in operational research (1953-89)
An account of the development of queueing theory from an operational research...
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