Journal: Management Science

Found 3158 papers in total
Investors' Heterogeneity and Implied Volatility Smiles
Heterogeneity in beliefs and time preferences among investors make stock volatility...
Teams Make You Smarter: How Exposure to Teams Improves Individual Decisions in Probability and Reasoning Tasks
Many important decisions are routinely made by transient and temporary teams, which...
Inferring Reporting‐Related Biases in Hedge Fund Databases from Hedge Fund Equity Holdings
This paper formally analyzes the biases related to self‐reporting in hedge fund...
Price Dispersion and Loss‐Leader Pricing: Evidence from the Online Book Industry
In this paper, we develop a theoretical model to analyze the pricing strategies of...
Treatment Effectiveness and Side Effects: A Model of Physician Learning
In this paper we study how treatment effectiveness and side effects impact the...
Capital Markets and Firm Organization: How Financial Development Shapes European Corporate Groups
We investigate the effect of financial development on the formation of European...
The Fragility of Commitment
We show that the value of commitment is fragile in many standard games. When the...
Total Cost Control in Project Management via Satisficing
We consider projects with uncertain activity times and the possibility of expediting,...
An Axiomatic Approach to Systemic Risk
Systemic risk refers to the risk of collapse of an entire complex system as a result...
Sourcing for Supplier Effort and Competition: Design of the Supply Base and Pricing Mechanism
We study a buyer's sourcing strategy along two dimensions: the supply base design and...
On Implications of Demand Censoring in the Newsvendor Problem
We consider a repeated newsvendor problem in which the decision maker (DM) does not...
Social Ties and User‐Generated Content: Evidence from an Online Social Network
We exploit changes in wind speeds at surfing locations in Switzerland as a source of...
Social Networks, Information Acquisition, and Asset Prices
We analyze a rational expectations equilibrium model to explore the implications of...
Tiers in One‐Sided Matching Markets: Theory and Experimental Investigation
The design of a matching market may affect behavior in prematch stages. In some...
Diversity and Performance
This study measures the performance of U.S. firms initiating same‐sex domestic...
Multiple‐Unit Holdings Yield Attenuated Endowment Effects
Previous endowment effect experiments have examined circumstances in which people...
Revenue Sharing and Information Leakage in a Supply Chain
This work explores the potential of revenue‐sharing contracts to facilitate...
Biased Judgment in Censored Environments
Some environments constrain the information that managers and decision makers can...
Dynamic Capacity Allocation to Customers Who Remember Past Service
We study the problem faced by a supplier deciding how to dynamically allocate limited...
Dynamic Experiments for Estimating Preferences: An Adaptive Method of Eliciting Time and Risk Parameters
We present a method that dynamically designs elicitation questions for estimating risk...
Human Capital Investments and Employee Performance: An Analysis of IT Services Industry
The rapid pace of technological innovation necessitates that information technology...
The Pitfalls of Subsystem Integration: When Less Is More
In various industries end‐product manufacturers acquire core subsystems from...
Clustering, Agency Costs and Operating Efficiency: Evidence from Nursing Home Chains
Models of horizontal integration typically describe a trade‐off between...
Price Discovery in the U.S. Treasury Market: Automation vs. Intermediation
This paper examines the contribution to price discovery by electronic and...
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