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Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
7937 papers
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Choosing realistic values of indifference, preference and veto threholds for use with environmental criteria within ELECTRE
Rogers Martin
The ELECTRE III outranking model is particularly suited to aiding the choice between...
The behavior of extreme values in Germany's stock index futures: An application to intradaily margin setting
Booth G. Geoffrey
Recent defaults and large financial losses attributed to derivative security investing...
Efficient algorithms for the clearing of interbank payments
Leclerc Matthias
The clearing of interbank payments is a process which usually involves an immense...
Forest management challenges for operational researchers
Martell David L.
This is an overview of operational research work that has been carried out to support...
Searching for an optimal rotation age for forest stand management under stochastic log prices
Yoshimoto Atsushi
Due to rapid change in timber prices in the Japanese market most likely affected by...
A tabu search algorithm for finding good forest harvest schedules satisfying green-up constraints
Granot Daniel
Due to environmental concerns, forest harvesting in many regions must now satisfy...
Monitoring pollution accidents
Gottinger Hans W.
We model the occurrence of an environmental accident as a stochastic event, in...
Comparing multicriteria methods in the context of environmental problems
Salminen Pekka
The present paper gives an analysis of the use of ELECTRE III, PROMETHEE I, II, and...
Reserve assemblage of critical areas: A zero–one programming approach
ReVelle Charles S.
The problem of selecting land for inclusion within a protected reserve is formulated...
Pre-processing techniques for resource allocation in the heterogeneous case
Valls Vicente
The Heterogeneous Resource Allocation Problem (HRAP) deals with the allocation of...
Evaluating environmentally conscious business practices
Sarkis Joseph
Corporate environment management is becoming more strategically oriented. With...
Cyclic and non-cyclic scheduling of 12 h shift nurses by network programming
Millar Harvey H.
In this paper, we present a mathematical model for cyclic and non-cyclic scheduling of...
Bridging the gap between clinicians and health managers
Delesie Luc
This contribution is about bridging the gap between professionals and managers in...
What is the role and contribution of models to management and research in the health services? A view from Europe
Lagergren Mrten
Modelling in different forms has long been regarded as a cornerstone of health OR as...
Shifting the balance of health care into the 21st century
Royston Geoff
Some of the present or likely future key shifts in the balance of health care in...
Applying simple dynamic modelling for decision support in planning regional health care
De Vries Th.
In contrast to more simple methods, our dynamic model takes advantage of two...
Planning resources for renal services throughout UK using simulation
Davies Ruth
The number of patients needing treatment for irreversible renal failure has continued...
Dynamic entry deterrence in the UK pathology services market
Fletcher L.R.
This paper describes work on a dynamic model of entry deterrence applied to the UK...
Quality and the diffusion of innovations
Tapiero Charles S.
In this paper, we solve the problem of optimal control of products diffusion by...
Optimisation of the structure of the clinical laboratory
Derks J.
In many clinical laboratories span of control problems make it necessary to divide the...
The federal nursing minimum basic data set and hospital management in Belgium: A case study of a nursing department
Delesie Luc
Since the introduction of the Nursing Minimum Data Set on a nationwide basis in 1988,...
A management tool to trace the clinical path of depressed patients
Delesie Luc
Psychiatric patients and psychiatric care are more difficult to measure than acute...
Capacity planning for intensive care units
Shahani A.K.
In this paper we describe a simulation model for bed capacity planning in Intensive...
Patient flow-based allocation of impatient resources: A case study
Vissers Jan M.H.
The paper considers the allocation of inpatient resources such as beds, operating...
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