Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

Found 7937 papers in total
Sensitivity calculation of the throughput of a flexible manufacturing system with respect to the routing mix using perturbation analysis
The effect of the change of the routing mix on the throughput is an important question...
A hierarchical decision support system for production planning (with case study)
We propose a Hierarchical Decision Support System (HDSS) for production planning which...
A model to optimize project resource allocation by construction of a balanced histogram
This paper examines a scheduling method to improve productivity in...
Neural network as a simulation metamodel in economic analysis of risky projects
An artificial neural network model for economic analysis of risky projects is...
Tabu search for resource-constrained scheduling
In this paper, a tabu search algorithm for a resource-constrained scheduling problem...
The resource constrained project scheduling problem with multiple crashable modes: A heuristic procedure
We present a heuristic procedure for a nonpreemptive resource constrained project...
Heuristics for multimode scheduling problems with dedicated resources
We study scheduling problems with multiple modes and dedicated resources arising in...
A branch and bound algorithm for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
A branch and bound algorithm is presented for the resource-constrained project...
Interactive analysis of multiple-criteria project scheduling problems
The paper considers an interactive search over a non-dominated solution space of a...
Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling by a simple, general and powerful sequencing algorithm
In this paper we present an exact solution procedure of the branch-and-bound type for...
On the optimal management of project risk
The uncertainty of project networks has been mainly considered as the randomness of...
Optimization analysis for design and planning of multi-project programs
Program management concerns the long term planning, coordination, and control of major...
Models of wayfinding in emergency evacuations
How do people select their movement paths in a complex building? How do evacuees find...
A framework for analysing decisions under risk
The main objective is to present a framework for analysing decisions under risk. The...
Aggregate scheduling and network solving of multi-stage and multi-item manufacturing systems
This paper is concerned with the modeling of aggregate scheduling problems in...
A new constructive heuristic for the flowshop scheduling problem
This paper presents a simple constructive heuristic (HFC) for the flowshop makespan...
Time lag size in multiple operations flow shop scheduling heuristics
This paper considers a multistage flow shop where jobs require multiple operations at...
Scheduling under a common due-date on parallel unrelated machines
Due-date determination problems have gained significant attention in recent years due...
Scheduling a single machine to minimize earliness penalties subject to the equal slack due-date determination method
This paper considers a single machine scheduling problem. There are n jobs to be...
Impact of learning and fatigue factors on single machine scheduling with penalties for tardy jobs
We consider a single machine scheduling problem in which the machine experiences the...
On stochastic machine scheduling with general distributional assumptions
A set of stochastic jobs is to be processed on a single machine which is subject to...
An optimal tree search method for the manufacturing systems cell formation problem
A solution methodology producing exact solutions to the manufacturing systems cell...
Scheduling of piecewise constant product flows: A Petri net approach
Scheduling a manufacturing system is usually an NP-hard problem. This means that only...
On the complexity of two-machine flowshop problems with due date related objectives
The complexity of two-machine flowshop problems with due date related criteria is...
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