Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

Found 7937 papers in total
Neural networks for image and video compression: A review
This paper examines much of the recent and/or important work in the field of neural...
Improved exploration in Hopfield network state–space through parameter perturbation driven by simulated annealing
An approach is presented for treating discrete optimization problems mapped on the...
Distribution network optimization: Finding the most economic solution by using genetic algorithms
The problem of finding the optimal features in a distribution network is approached...
Benchmarks for shop scheduling problems
In this paper we present extensive sets of randomly generated test problems for the...
Random sequencing jobs with deadlines problem: Growth of the optimal solution values
In the paper an asymptotic value of the sequencing jobs with deadlines (SJD) problem...
A model of clinker capacity expansion
This paper describes a model which has been applied in practice to determine an...
Probability distributions of cost, revenue and profit over a warranty cycle
A warranty cycle starts with the sale of a new item and terminues when the warranty...
Solving the generalised assignment problem using polyhedral results
The Generalised Assignment Problem (GAP) consists of finding a maximal profit...
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem based on the Hungarian method
This paper presents a new branch-and-bound algorithm for solving the quadratic...
Economic spare capacity planning for Digital Cross-Connect System mesh-restorable networks
This paper considers an integer programming (IP) based optimization algorithm to solve...
Modeling and solving a real-life assignment problem at universities
A real-life problem of assigning students to exams during an examination period is...
A variant of time minimizing assignment problem
A time minimizing assignment problem dealing with the allocation of n jobs to m (>...
An exact depth-first algorithm for the pallet loading problem
This paper proposes a fast exact algorithm to solve the Pallet Loading Problem using...
Explicit results for a class of asset-selling problems
We consider the following optimal selection problem: There are n identical assets...
Optimal joint pricing and lot sizing with fixed and variable capacity
This paper examines previously unexplored fixed and variable capacity problems of...
A procedure to verify the completeness of the right-hand-side parametric analysis for a mixed integer linear programming problem
Jenkins developed an heuristic algorithm for performing the right-hand-side parametric...
On consistency in probabilistic logic for logical formulas represneted by B-hypertrees
One of the problems (mainly unsolved) in probabilistic logic is to consistently assign...
Mixed-integer column generation algorithms and the probabilistic maximum satisfiability problem
The column generation approach to large-scale linear programming is extended to the...
A dual ascent method for the portfolio selection problem with multiple constraints and linked proposals
Portfolio selection is an important but complicated topic in finance. This paper uses...
Addressing the multigroup discriminant problem using multivariate statistics and mathematical programming
In the paper we compare the performance of seven important multivariate and...
Non-cooperative negotiation strategies for vendor selection
Vendor selection decisions are typically multi-objective in nature. In an environment...
Efficient solutions to the cell-formation problem with multiple routings via a double-loop genetic algorithm
We present a genetic approach for finding efficient solutions to the problem of...
Iterative improvement methods for a multiperiod network design problem
We address an important problem in telecommunications planning: the multiperiod...
Computational assessment of distributed decomposition methods for stochastic linear programs
Incorporating uncertainty in optimization models gives rise to large, structured...
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