Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

Found 7937 papers in total
Multi-depot vehicle scheduling problems with time windows and waiting costs
The multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem with time windows consists of scheduling a...
Using OPTRANS object as a KB-DSS development environment for designing DSS for production management
In this paper we briefly recall the objectives of knowledge-based decision support...
A decision support system for power plant design
The design of power plants requires a balanced study of three major considerations,...
A decision support system for urban waste management
This paper describes a decision support system, for urban waste management in a...
Heuristic sensitivity analysis in a combinatoric environment: An exposition and case study
Sensitivity or post-optimality analysis investigates the effect of parametric changes...
Probabilistic judgments specified partially in the analytic hierarchy process
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision-making tool which yields priorities...
Aggregating individual judgments and priorities with the analytic hierarchy process
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is often used in group settings where group...
Cardinality and the Borda score
In most theoretical papers about the Borda rule, the Borda score appears as a number...
Combining multicriteria decision aid and system dynamics for the control of socio-economic processes. An interative real-time procedure
The paper presents the elements of a new methodology to control complex and...
Tentative guidelines to help choosing an appropriate MCDA method
Despite the development of a large number of refined multicriterion decision aid...
A multicriteria decision-making approach to university resource allocations and information infrastructure planning
This paper presents an application of zero–one goal programming (GP) as an aid...
A weight-assessing method with habitual domains
Weights of criteria are the important factors in decision-making. However, from a...
Domestic petroleum-related expertise utilization and Nigeria's oil industry survival: A multicriteria decision analysis
Despite Nigeria's current economic crisis and the need to remove control structures...
Modeling action-interdependence in multiple criteria decision making
A problem of subset selection when actions are interdependent is formulated within a...
The fuzzy hyperbolic inequality index associated with fuzzy random variables
The aim of this paper is focused on the quantification of the extent of the inequality...
Constrained games, intervening duality and experimenter–experiment interactions
In a previous paper I introduced the idea of intervening duality with a context of...
Axioms for the Shapley value on convex geometries
The purpose of this article is an extension of Shapley's value for games with...
Computational implementation of Fujishige's graph realizability algorithm
Fujishige's PQ-graph algorithm is one of the most computationally efficient algorithms...
The line index and minimum cut of weighted graphs
In this paper we discuss the line index and the minimum capacity, sum of the weights...
Simulated annealing for the unconstrained quadratic pseudo-Boolean function
In this paper, we develop a simulated annealing (SA) based heuristic for the...
Iterative methods based on splittings for stochastic automata networks
This paper presents iterative methods based on splittings (Jacobi, Gauss–Seidel,...
Planning the evolution to broadband access networks: A multicriteria approach
The interplay between continuing technical innovations, development of multifaceted...
Kohonen maps for solving a class of location–allocation problems
Location–allocation problems occur whenever more than one facility need be...
Neural and delay based heuristics for the Steiner problem in networks
High speed networks such as the B-ISDN must be adequately equipped to handle...
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