Journal: Decision Support Systems

Found 1062 papers in total
CBC: An associative classifier with a small number of rules
Discuss the weaknesses of decision trees and associative classifiers Propose a novel...
Event-driven agility of interoperability during the Run-time of collaborative processes
A Mediation Information System (MIS) to support collaborative situation is proposed....
Can knowledge be more accessible in a virtual network?: Collective dynamics of knowledge transfer in a virtual knowledge organization network
Mathematical relationship between local information flows and global network...
A social appraisal mechanism for online purchase decision support in the micro-blogosphere
The collective opinions solicited from friends are largely beneficial for online...
An examination of negative e-WOM adoption: Brand commitment as a moderator
How consumers were influenced by a negative e‐WOM message. Combining the Yale...
A decision support system for public logistics information service management and optimization
A DSS devised for public logistics information service management and optimization A...
An ELECTRE-based decision aid tool for stepwise benchmarking: An application over EU Digital Agenda targets
A multi‐criteria stepwise benchmarking method for decision support is proposed....
Discovering content-based behavioral roles in social networks
We propose a method to discover content‐based behavioral roles in social...
External validity of sentiment mining reports: Can current methods identify demographic biases, event biases, and manipulation of reviews?
Sentiment mining reports are useless when their external validity cannot be assessed....
FLOPPIES: A Framework for Large-Scale Ontology Population of Product Information from Tabular Data in E-commerce Stores
FLOPPIES enable (semi‐)automatic ontology population of online product...
A decision support system for quayside operations in a container terminal
Port operations are influenced by terminal operators and shipping companies. Operating...
An intelligent situation awareness support system for safety-critical environments
A situation awareness support system for managing abnormal situations is introduced....
An intelligent mobile based decision support system for retinal disease diagnosis
We employ Neural Networks for diseased and healthy retinal image classification. A...
Assessing the quality of large-scale data standards: A case of XBRL GAAP Taxonomy
A framework and a set of metrics for assessing the quality large‐scale data...
Capacity planning and performance contracting for service facilities
Market demand uncertainty and time‐based competition make capacity investment...
Combining models of capacity supply to handle volatile demand: The economic impact of surplus capacity in cloud service environments
In the paper at hand we analyze the capacity planning problem of a service vendor...
The value of information sharing in a multi-product, multi-level supply chain: Impact of product substitution, demand correlation, and partial information sharing
The literature on the value of information sharing within a supply chain is extensive....
Finance sourcing in a supply chain
We examine the relative merits of bank versus trade credit in a supply chain...
Newsvendor pull-to-center reconsidered
In the newsvendor problem, a pull‐to‐center effect has been asserted,...
Risk management in hybrid value creation
In the market for tangible goods, there is an increasing shift from the production of...
Examining the growth of digital wireless phone technology: A take-off theory analysis
The early phase of diffusion plays a critical role in determining information...
Identity matching and information acquisition: Estimation of optimal threshold parameters
We analyze statistical challenges of calibrating matching software through sampling....
Examining the decision to use standalone personal health record systems as a trust-enabled fair social contract
Despite the growing research interest in the digitization of healthcare, current...
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