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Journal: Decision Support Systems
1062 papers
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Diffusion dynamics of open source software: An agent‐based computational economics (ACE) approach
Zaffar Muhammad Adeel
The rising popularity of open source software (OSS) calls for a better understanding...
Cooperative planning in express carrier networks – An empirical study on the effectiveness of a real‐time Decision Support System
Derigs Ulrich
For small transportation firms cooperation in a carrier network is a proper mean to...
Online keyword based advertising: Impact of ad impressions on own‐channel and cross‐channel click‐through rates
Gopal Ram
Keyword‐based ads are becoming the dominant form of advertising online as they...
Parallel characterizations of a generalized Shapley value and a generalized Banzhaf value for cooperative games with level structure of cooperation
lvarez-Mozos M
We present parallel characterizations of two different values in the framework of...
CLAP: Collaborative pattern mining for distributed information systems
Wu Xindong
The purpose of data mining from distributed information systems is usually threefold:...
A framework for dynamic multiple‐criteria decision making
Ribeiro Rita A
However, most real‐world decisions take place in a dynamic environment, where...
An investigation of email processing from a risky decision making perspective
Wang Jingguo
The prevalence of cyber crimes has threatened the business model enabled by email....
Efficient construction of histograms for multidimensional data using quad‐trees
Kim Myoung Ho
Histograms can be useful in estimating the selectivity of queries in areas such as...
Knowledge sharing and investment decisions in information security
Ji Yonghua
We study the relationship between decisions made by two similar firms pertaining to...
Decision maps: A framework for multi‐criteria decision support under severe uncertainty
Comes T
In complex strategic decision‐making situations the need for...
Combination of sources of evidence with different discounting factors based on a new dissimilarity measure
Liu Zhun-ga
The sources of evidence may have different reliability and importance in real...
Activity‐Based Costing and Management applied in a hybrid Decision Support System for order management
Khataie Amir H
This article introduces a new Cost Management and Decision Support System (DSS)...
Quickly locating efficient, equitable deals in automated negotiations under two‐sided information uncertainty
Chandrashekhar Hemalatha
This paper develops an automated negotiation procedure inclusive of mechanism design...
A text‐based decision support system for financial sequence prediction
Chan Samuel W K
Although most quantitative financial data are analyzed using traditional statistical,...
Mining churning behaviors and developing retention strategies based on a partial least squares (PLS) model
Cho Hyunbo
In a very competitive mobile telecommunication business environment, marketing...
An approach to identify influential building blocks and linkages in an information resource network
Bhattacharjee Sudip
An information resource network (IRN) is a time‐ordered and potentially...
An elusive antecedent of superior firm performance: The knowledge management factor
Wu Jiming
Knowledge management (KM) concepts, principles, and technologies provide a foundation...
Re‐mining item associations: Methodology and a case study in apparel retailing
Atan Tankut
Association mining is the conventional data mining technique for analyzing market...
An interactive approach for multi‐attribute auctions
Kksalan Murat
Auction processes are commonly employed in many environments. With rapid advances in...
A distance‐based group decision‐making methodology for multi‐person multi‐criteria emergency decision support
Lai Kin Keung
In this paper, a distance‐based group decision‐making (GDM) methodology...
An incident information management framework based on data integration, data mining, and multi‐criteria decision making
Peng Yi
An effective incident information management system needs to deal with several...
Wastewater treatment: New insight provided by interactive multiobjective optimization
Miettinen Kaisa
In this paper, we describe a new interactive tool developed for wastewater treatment...
The role of technological know‐how in c‐commerce success
Hartono Edward
Collaborative commerce (c‐commerce), involving the use of technology to enable...
Impacts of essential elements of management on IT application maturity – A perspective from firms in China
Peng Jianping
This paper explores the impacts of essential elements of management on IT application...
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