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Journal: Decision Support Systems
1062 papers
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Optimal software pricing in the presence of piracy and word‐of‐mouth effect
Cheng Hsing Kenneth
We develop an analytical model that embeds empirical findings on software diffusion to...
Municipal credit rating modelling by neural networks
Hjek Petr
The paper presents the modelling possibilities of neural networks on a complex...
An evolutionary real options framework for the design and management of projects and systems with complex real options and exercising conditions
Zhang Stephen X
To address the issue of decision support for designing and managing flexible projects...
A hybrid SARIMA wavelet transform method for sales forecasting
Choi Tsan-Ming
Time series forecasting, as an important tool in many decision support systems, has...
An empirical evaluation of the comprehensibility of decision table, tree and rule based predictive models
Baesens Bart
An important objective of data mining is the development of predictive models. Based...
Development of a structural equation modeling‐based decision tree methodology for the analysis of lung transplantations
Delen Dursun
Lung transplantation has a vital role among all organ transplant procedures since it...
Composite decision support by combining cost‐benefit and multi‐criteria decision analysis
Salling Kim Bang
This paper concerns composite decision support based on combining cost‐benefit...
Cloud computing – The business perspective
Bandyopadhyay Subhajyoti
The evolution of cloud computing over the past few years is potentially one of the...
Who is talking? An ontology‐based opinion leader identification framework for word‐of‐mouth marketing in online social blogs
Li Feng
Online social blogs have gained popularity recently. They provide an effective channel...
Adaptive knowledge‐based system for health care applications with RFID‐generated information
Piramuthu Selwyn
Health care organizations are under increased pressure to continually improve their...
Hybrid assessment method for software engineering decisions
Ribeiro Rita A
During software development, many decisions need to be made to guarantee the...
Adoption of Open Source Software: The role of social identification
Wang Jing
While the benefits of incorporating Open Source Software (OSS) into personal and...
Modeling the benefit of e‐recruiting process integration
Lee In
While e‐recruiting has been widely adopted as one of the most successful...
Emphasizing the rank positions in a distance‐based aggregation procedure
Contreras I
This paper deals with the problem of aggregating individual preferences in order to...
Comparative issues in large‐scale mean–variance efficient frontier computation
Qi Yue
One of the functions of a portfolio management system is to return quickly an...
Convex cone‐based partial order for multiple criteria alternatives
Kksalan Murat
In this paper, we consider the problem of finding a preference‐based strict...
A multi‐objective optimization for green supply chain network design
Shi Ning
We study a supply chain network design problem with environmental considerations. We...
Knowledge management adoption and assessment for SMEs by a novel MCDM approach
Tzeng Gwo-Hshiung
This paper aims to clarify the misunderstanding of high expenditure on knowledge...
An evolution strategy‐based multiple kernels multi‐criteria programming approach: The case of credit decision making
Xu Weixuan
Credit risk analysis has long attracted a great deal of attention from both academic...
A web spatial decision support system for vehicle routing using Google Maps
Antunes Carlos Henggeler
This article presents a user‐friendly web‐based spatial decision support...
An entropy approach to disclosure risk assessment: Lessons from real applications and simulated domains
Bai Xue
We live in an increasingly mobile world, which leads to the duplication of information...
Web‐based information service adoption: A comparison of the motivational model and the uses and gratifications theory
Chen Ja-Shen
This study compares two user acceptance theories: the motivational model (MM), and the...
Bidding strategies for real‐life small loan auctions
Wallenius Jyrki
We define and identify bidding strategies in real‐life small loan auctions...
The personalization privacy paradox: An exploratory study of decision making process for location‐aware marketing
Xu Heng
Despite the vast opportunities offered by location‐aware marketing (LAM),...
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