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Journal: International Journal of Forecasting
1200 papers
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Forecasting in least absolute value regression with autocorrelated errors: A small-sample study
Rose Elizabeth L.
Least absolute value (LAV) regression is a robust alternative to ordinary least...
Prediction with a linear regression model and errors in a regressor
Jonsson Bo
The subject under study is prediction with a simple linear regression model in the...
Adventures with ARIMA software
Newbold Paul
Many software packages are available for fitting autoregressive integrated moving...
Are economic forecasts valuable?
Stekler H.O.
A previous study questioned whether the published forecasts of one forecasting...
Seven components of judgmental forecasting skill: Implications for research and the improvement of forecasts
Stewart T.R.
A decomposition of the Brier skill score shows that the performance of judgmental...
Testing for unreliable estimators and insignificant forecasts in combined forecasts
Chandrasekharan R.
The reliability and precision of the weights used in combining individual forecasts,...
Combining experts’ opinions using a Normal-Wishart model
French S.
This paper examines how a Bayesian decision maker might update his/her distributions...
International interdependence of business cycles in the manufacturing industry: The use of leading indicators for forecasting and analysis
Berk J.M.
This article introduces new leading indicators for fifteen industrialized countries...
Turning the tables: Using location science to specify technology rather than allowing technology to constrain location: A commentary
Kuby Michael
In this commentary, the authors advocate the use of location models to assess or even...
Using economic indicators to reduce risk in stock market investments
Moore Geoffrey H.
This paper shows how the risk of price declines in stock market investments can be...
Recursive estimation as an aid to exploratory data analysis: An application to market share models
Jex Colin F.
Recursive estimation methods are often adopted in order to allow for parameter changes...
Late forecasts and early revisions of United States GNP
Newbold Paul
The authors consider a sequence of four-monthly predictions and estimates of quarterly...
Number of sales forecast methods and marketing management
West D.C.
The links between the number of sales forecasting methods used by a company, the...
Forecasting intermittent demand in manufacturing: A comparative evaluation of Croston’s method
Willemain Thomas R.
Intermittent demand appears at random, with many time periods having no demand....
Forecasts for the Australian economy using the MONASH model
Parmenter Brian R.
This paper describes annual forecasts for the period 1990-91 to 1996-97 made with a...
Electronics industry model: A report on two decades of implementation
Webb G. Kent
In the context of the literature on the implementation of forecasting models, this...
Estimating daily seasonality in foreign exchange rate changes
Copeland L.S.
Combining time- and frequency-domain analysis demonstrates considerable improvement in...
Autoregressive-asymmetric moving average models for business cycle data
Brnns K.
Much business cycle research is based on an assumption of symmetric cycles, though it...
The long run, causality, and forecasting in the advertising-sales relationship
Zanias G.P.
Co-integration analysis is used in a study of the advertising and sales relationship...
The quarterly Liverpool model with current partial information: An exercise in forecasting
Matthews K.G.P.
This paper applies an algorithm for the solution of partial current information in...
Forecasting load-duration curves
Bruce A.
A new method is proposed for forecasting electricity load-duration curves. The...
Forecasting stock returns: An examination of stock market trading in the presence of transaction costs
Hashem Pesaran M.
The paper presents new evidence on the predictability of excess returns on common...
An exploratory analysis of portfolio managers’ probabilistic forecasts of stock prices
Muradoglu G.
This study reports the results of an experiment that examines (1) the effects of...
The rationality of the OECD foreign-balance forecasts for the U.S.A
Antzoulatos Angelos A.
A recent study has documented that the OECD forecasts of the U.S.A. foreign balance...
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