Journal: European Journal of Information Systems

Found 707 papers in total
Vive les differences? Developing a profile of European information systems research as a basis for international comparisons
The information systems (IS) community is truly international, yet there is often a...
Analyzing IS research productivity: an inclusive approach to global IS scholarship
An increasing number of studies have appeared that evaluate and rank journal quality...
A re-conceptualization of the interpretive flexibility of information technologies: redressing the balance between the social and the technical
Interpretive flexibility – the capacity of a specific technology to sustain...
Model-based software configuration: patterns and languages
The common presupposition of enterprise systems (ES) is that they lead to significant...
New frontiers for information systems research: computer art as an information system
This paper proposes extending the frontiers of information systems (IS) research by...
Perceived risk and trust associated with purchasing at electronic marketplaces
Understanding consumer behaviour is of vital importance to consumer-oriented...
Innovation diffusion in global contexts: determinants of post-adoption digital transformation of European companies
Grounded in the diffusion of innovation theory and the...
The incompatibility of knowledge regimes: consequences of the material world for cross-domain work
In this paper, we argue that successful integration of knowledge across work domains...
Using informal notes for sharing corporate technology know-how
Corporate and academic communities have focused a great deal of attention on...
Dynamic capabilities and the role of organizational knowledge: an exploration
Two concepts, dynamic capabilities and knowledge management, are widely assumed to be...
Business customer communities and knowledge sharing: exploratory study of critical issues
Businesses in knowledge intensive industries must appropriately engage with their...
Characterizing the evolving research on enterprise content management
Innovations in network technologies in the 1990s have provided new ways to store and...
A conceptual framework for the implementation of enterprise information portals in large organizations
Addressing the diversity in information requirements across the enterprise is a...
An empirical study on Web-based services and customer loyalty
E-business success is tied to the ability to foster customer loyalty. Businesses that...
Implementing enterprise content management: from evolution through strategy to contradictions out-of-the-box
This study examines a strategic development and implementation process of enterprise...
An exploration of factors that impact individual performance in an enterprise resource planning environment: an analysis using multiple analytical techniques
This study explores the factors that can impact individual performance when using...
Doing interpretive research
Interpretive research in information systems (IS) is now a well-established part of...
Being an ‘it’ in IT: gendered identities in IT work
This paper reflects on aspects of gender and IT work. The core hypothesis is that, if...
Are norms enough? The role of collaborative norms in promoting organizational knowledge seeking
Knowledge sharing, which is critical for the strategic utilization of knowledge...
Haven or hell? Telework, flexibility and family in the e-society: a Marxist analysis
The reconfiguration of the home–work boundary that at-home telework entails has...
Mobile computing: a user study on hedonic/utilitarian mobile device usage
Intrinsic motivators of technology beliefs have received scant attention in the...
Resist, comply or workaround? An examination of different facets of user engagement with information systems
This paper provides a summary of studies of user resistance to information technology...
Privacy calculus model in e-commerce – a study of Italy and the United States
This study examines cross-cultural differences in beliefs related to e-commerce use...
What drives netsourcing decisions? An empirical analysis
Netsourcing, a rather innovative form of web-enabled value creation, describes...
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