Journal: European Journal of Information Systems

Found 707 papers in total
An analysis of the traditional information systems security approaches: implications for research and practice
Scholars have developed several modern information systems security (ISS) methods. Yet...
A framework for designing the balanced supply chain scorecard
Effective measurements of Supply Chain Management (SCM) in the context of the Balanced...
Understanding Web home page perception
A home page is the gateway to an organization's Web site. To design effective Web home...
Governance lessons from the experience of telecentres in Kerala
Telecentres are seen as essential components of governance reform in the international...
Designing consumer interfaces for experiential tasks: an empirical investigation
In the early adoption phase of business-to-consumer (B2C) ecommerce, the tasks that...
A framework to assess the factors affecting success or failure of the implementation of government-supported regional e-marketplaces for SMEs
Regional electronic marketplaces (REMs) have been used to promote e-commerce uptake by...
Understanding enterprise systems-enabled integration
A key touted benefit of enterprise systems (ES) is organizational integration of both...
Investigating enterprise systems adoption: uncertainty avoidance, intrinsic motivation, and the technology acceptance model
Enterprise systems are gaining interest from both practitioners and researchers...
Integrating enterprise resource planning using enterprise application integration: a model for post hoc evaluation
In recent years there has been an increased focus on improving the capability and...
Investigating success factors in enterprise application integration: a case-driven analysis
This paper investigates Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in Enterprise Application...
The future of inter-organisational system linkages: findings of an international Delphi study
To perform effectively in markets that are becoming increasingly turbulent and...
Making enterprise resource planning systems work: accountants and the introduction of ERP systems
In the last 10 years, the majority of large companies have attempted to install...
Understanding misalignment and cascading change of enterprise resource planning implementation: a stage view of process analysis
When adopting an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, experiencing misalignments...
Factors and measures of business process modelling: model building through a multiple case study
Business process modelling has gained widespread acceptance as a valuable design and...
The management of cross-functional inter-dependencies in enterprise resource planning implementations: emergent coordination patterns
This paper reports a study examining cross-functional coordination in enterprise...
The social and political construction of technological frames
It is widely accepted that the successful adoption of an information system depends to...
The ability of information systems development project teams to respond to business and technology changes: a study of flexibility measures
The socio-technical perspective suggests that information systems development projects...
The surface of emergence in systems development: agency, institutions, and large-scale information systems
There is a strong tendency in the systems development literature to focus primarily on...
Developing an integration architecture for process portals
Many companies still use portals to manage link lists or to present HTML pages to an...
Decision support systems evolution: framework, case study and research agenda
Evolutionary development has been central to the theory and practice of decision...
User participation in decision support systems development: influencing system outcomes
Despite the widely held view that systems are more likely to be successful if users...
Strategic aspirations for net-enabled business
The net-enabled business innovation cycle model describes a path by which firms employ...
Regulation as a barrier to electronic commerce in Europe: the case of the European fund management industry
This paper presents results of exploratory research into the question of whether the...
A research framework for analysing eBusiness models
As eBusiness is moving towards maturity, research interests shift to the investigation...
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