Journal: European Journal of Information Systems

Found 707 papers in total
An empirical examination of patient–physician portal acceptance
Healthcare providers have recently begun deploying Internet-based...
Applying ontology-based rules to conceptual modeling: a reflection on modeling decision making
Conceptual modeling represents a domain independently of implementation considerations...
ALTAR in action: knowledge management
This paper describes the knowledge management (KM) aspects of an action research (AR)...
ALTAR: achieving learning through action research
This paper describes a collaborative action research (AR) study that took place...
Manchester United Football Club: developing a network orchestration model
This paper investigates a particular type of coordination role called ‘network...
Impediments to requirements engineering during global software development
Developing software when team members are located in widely distributed geographic...
The potential of hermeneutics in information systems research
This paper puts forward a case for using hermeneutics in information systems (IS)...
The conundrum of IT management
This paper presents a robust argument as to why it can be difficult for chief...
A survey of critical success factors in e-Banking: an organisational perspective
We investigate organisational factors critical to the success of e-Banking (EB)....
Ranking journals in business and management: a statistical analysis of the Harzing data set
Creating rankings of academic journals is an important but contentious issue. It is of...
Managing strategic contradictions in hybrid teams
It has become a common practice to organize work teams to include members in multiple...
Distributed leadership in the development of a knowledge sharing system
This paper studies leadership dynamics in the development of a knowledge sharing...
Charismatic leadership and user acceptance of information technology
Although there is widespread agreement that leadership has important effects on...
Electronic transformation of government in the U.K.: a research agenda
This paper presents the findings of an exploratory research project into future...
From requirements to implementations: a model-driven approach for web development
Model-Driven Development (MDD) is an appropriate paradigm for web development since...
Towards improving the navigability of Web applications: a model-driven approach
Navigability in use, defined as the efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction with...
Model-driven component adaptation in the context of Web Engineering
Currently, Web-based applications are no longer monolithic and isolated systems but,...
A programme management approach for ensuring curriculum coherence in IS (higher) education
This paper examines IS higher education, concentrating on issues of...
Focusing the research agenda on burnout in IT: social representations of burnout in the profession
Despite the pervasiveness and high costs of burnout in IT, our understanding of this...
Introducing masculinity studies to information systems research: the case of Gaydar
I believe that studies of men's gendered experiences of information systems are...
Why the old world cannot publish? Overcoming challenges in publishing high-impact IS research
We review the status of European publishing in high-impact Information System (IS)...
An investigation into the factors influencing the adoption of B2B trading exchanges in small businesses
Small businesses, in general, play dominant roles in terms of employment generation...
Does Domberger’s theory of ‘The Contracting Organization’ explain why organizations outsource IT and the levels of satisfaction achieved?
This paper contributes an interpretation of Domberger’s theory of The...
Concepts of product software
Both the impact of software on life and our dependence on software are rapidly...
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