Journal: Mathematics of Operations Research

Found 1103 papers in total
Primal-dual aggregation and disaggregation for stochastic linear programs
A multistage stochastic linear program can be approximated by replacing the underlying...
On the invariance principle for the first passage time
New results are obtained on the connection between the invariance principle for the...
Discounted replacement, maintenance, and repair problems in reliability
Three related stochastic control problems from reliability theory referred to as the...
Strong consistency of the variance estimator in steady-state simulation output analysis
In this paper the problme of variance estimation in steady-state simulation output...
Stochastic convexity and concavity of Markov processes
In this paper the authors consider the temporal stochastic convexity and concavity...
Risk theory in a periodic environment: The Cramér-Lundberg approximation and Lundberg's inequality
A risk process with the claim arrival intensity , the claim size distribution a nd the...
Optimality Conditions for Control Problems Governed by Variational Inequalities
This paper deals with the theory of first-order necessary conditions of optimality for...
Optimality conditions for control problems governed by variational inequalities
This paper deals with the theory of first-order necessary conditions of optimality for...
On multiple choice secretary problems
Two secretary problems based on relative rank are considered, in which the decision...
On the complexity of cooperative solution concepts
The authors study from a complexity theoretic standpoint the various solution concepts...
The lattice of core (sub)matchings in a two-sided matching market
The paper considers the two-sided matching model of Demange and Gale. Given a suitable...
On the relation between recurrence and ergodicity properties in denumerable Markov chains
This paper studies two properties of the set of Markov chains induced by the...
Double band policy for stochastic manufacturing systems in heavy traffic
The authors consider the control of a manufacturing system producing one product. The...
The linear complementarity problem with exact order matrices
A real n by n matrix A is called an N(P)- matrix of exact order k, if the principal...
Implicit functions, Lipschitz maps, and stability in optimization
The authors present an implicit function theorem for set-valued maps associated with...
Unstable asymptotics for nonstationary queues
The authors relate laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for nonstationary...
A generalization of Weyl’s integration theorem and its meaning for stochastic simulations
Due to Weyl’s integration theorem the Haar probability measure and, further, a...
Average case analysis of a heuristic for the assignment problem
The authors main contribution is an O(n log n) algorithm that determines with high...
On finding optimal policies for Markov decision chains: A unifying framework for mean-variance-tradeoffs
This paper proves constructively the existence of optimal policies for maximum...
Global convergence of damped Newton’s method for nonsmooth equations via the path search
A natural damping of Newton’s method for nonsmooth equations is presented. This...
Lower and upper bounds for the allocation problem and other nonlinear optimization problems
The paper demonstrates the impossibility of strongly polynomial algorithms for the...
Derivatives with support and applications
A new concept of derivative is introduced reflecting the global, rather than the...
Linear stability of generalized equations, Part II: Applications to nonlinear programming
The paper presents an approach by which the quantitative stability of solutions of a...
On Lipschitzian stability of optimal solutions of parametrized semi-infinite programs
The paper studies continuity properties of optimal solutions of parametrized...
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