Journal: Mathematics of Operations Research

Found 1103 papers in total
Martingale analysis for assets wih discontinuous returns
The equivalent martingale measure approach is applied to a financial market subject to...
The network diversion problem
The network diversion problem can be viewed as an information operations network flow...
Dynamic routing of unmanned aerial vehicles using reactive tabu search
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) routing is a complex problem faced by the operators of...
Exploring threat intent measures for system evaluation
Exploring Threat Intent Measures for System Evaluation evolved from an effort to...
Assessing the financial condition of Civil Reserve Air Fleet participants
The Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) is a key component of the US Department of...
Retention and reacquisition of military skills
The Army trains thousands of tasks, often months before they are needed. But a century...
Lanchester's equations and the structure of the operational campaign: Within-campaign effects
This article considers the application of Lanchester's attrition equations to...
An information operations conceptual model and application framework
In 1999, DARPA sponsored an SBIR study to develop the conceptual basis for simulations...
Risks of cyber attack to water utility supervisory control and data acquisition systems
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems control US water supply and...
Valuing psychological operations
‘Soft Targeting’ in information operations is becoming an increasingly...
The deployment analysis network tool extended
The Deployment Analysis Network Tool Extended (DANTE) is an analysis tool for studying...
Multiple perspective R&D portfolio analysis for the National Reconnaissance Office's Technology Enterprise
The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Technology Enterprise desired to make R&D...
Biological warfare human response modeling
Casualty estimation is an important tool for military and medical planning. The...
Using simulation to model time utilization of army recruiters
Over the last few years, all of the US military services (with the exception of the...
A Bayesian stochastic formulation of Lanchester combat theory
In recent years the advancements in defense planning have created many challenging...
Construction of stationary Markov equilibria in a strategic market game
This paper studies stationary noncooperative equilibria in an economy with fiat money,...
Entropy-like proximal methods in convex programming
The authors study an extension of the proximal method for programming, where the...
Rate of convergence of empirical measures and costs in controlled Markov chains and transient optimality
The purpose of this paper is two fold. First, bounds on the rate of convergence of...
A polynomial time algorithm for counting integral points in polyhedra when the dimension is fixed
The paper proves that for any dimension d there exists a polynomial time algorithm for...
Lemke paths on simple polytopes
Lemke paths are often used in the solution of nonlinear programming problems. The...
New error bounds for the linear complementarity problem
Recently Mangasarian and Solodov showed that every nonlinear complementarity problem...
Measures for symmetric rank-one updates
Measures of deviation of a symmetric positive definite matrix from the identity are...
Stability analysis of variational inequalities and nonlinear complementarity problems, via mixed linear complementarity
This paper is concerned with the mixed linear complementarity problem and the role it...
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