Journal: Public Budgeting and Financial Management

Found 180 papers in total
Reconciling politics and budget analysis: The case of the Congressional Budget Office
The uneasy relationship between the professional policy analyst and the political...
Organizational structure and budget uncontrollability in health financing
This paper reviews the federal role in health care financing and explores the...
Fiscal stress, retrenchment and small cities: The financial management practices of ‘‘free standing’’ Iowa cities
Recent research indicates that cities with poor management practices are more likely...
Strategic management, policy analysis, and budgeting
Preoccupation with fiscal problems and the failures of such reforms as PPBS and ZBB...
Strategic management with annual and multi-year operating budgets
Budgeting has to do with the power play of forces from within and from outside...
Strategic planning and budgeting in local government
Based on a national survey of local governments, this article presents findings...
Local government retrenchment strategies in Nigeria, 1985-87: A comparison with U.S. localities
Local governments worldwide have generally borne the brunt of economic downturns. This...
Strategic planning and resource allocation for defense
This study describes and analyzes the long-range strategic planning process of the...
Weighting goals in policy evaluation and budgeting
Weighting goals recognizes that not all goals are of equal importance and that...
Managing the budget: The Dutch experience
This paper deals with attempts that were made in the Netherlands to improve control of...
Trends and developments in budgeting and financial management in medium sized cities of the United States
Declining intergovernmental revenues and other resource constraints have created an...
The market reaction to the information content of municipal surplus/deficit ratios
The purpose of this project is to analyze the information content of municipal bottom...
The evolution of the Federal Reserve Chairmanship
Over the past four decades redistributive fiscal policies have led to the increasing...
An insider’s view of the political economy of the too big to fail doctrine
Understanding interbank exposure is the key to understanding the too big to fail...
A new generation of state property tax relief efforts: How successful have they been?
In response to taxpayer pressures, many states have imposed limits on local use of the...
The evolution of the American property tax
The uniform tax upon all wealth, known as a general property tax, was an American...
Property tax delinquency and tax sales: A review of the literature
Property tax delinquency and tax sales have not been the subject of extensive research...
The new political economy of monetary policy
This paper proposes a public choice theory of monetary policy. Monetary policy is...
The behavior of nominal M1, real M1, and the adjusted monetary base in four recessions and three recoveries: 1948-1961
Some Federal Reserve critics regard the System’s response to cyclical...
The employment impacts for a high tech community of shifts in spending from defense/space to civilian purposes
This study examines the regional employment impacts of shifts in spending from the...
The relative impact of government expenditures on industrial development in the Arabian Gulf
The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of government expenditures in...
Local taxation in Georgia and Florida
Local governments have been forced to rely much more heavily on their own resources to...
Public budget’s history: The budgetary time line
In this article, a time line approach is used to outline the history of the public...
Property taxes: A symposium on its history and prospects for improved administration, relief, and reform
Property taxes remain the predominant source of local tax revenue despite the tax...
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