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Found 17049 papers in total
A fractiles perspective to the joint price/quantity newsvendor model
Pricing and quantity decisions are critical to many firms across different industries....
Characterization of the bullwhip effect in linear, time-invariant supply chains: some formulae and tests
The authors analyze the bullwhip effect in multistage, decentralized supply chains...
Coordinating supply chains with simple pricing schemes: the role of vendor-managed inventories
We characterize supply chain settings in which perfect coordination can be achieved...
Time value of commercial product returns
Manufacturers and their distributors must cope with an increased flow of returned...
Procuring fast delivery: sole sourcing with information asymmetry
This paper studies a queuing model in which a buyer sources a good or service from a...
A bargaining model for a first-time interaction under asymmetric beliefs of supply reliability
We consider the case of a first-time interaction between a buyer and a supplier who is...
On the value of mitigation and contingency strategies for managing supply chain disruption risks
We study a single-product setting in which a firm can source from two suppliers, one...
Trajectories for driving the diffusion of e-negotiation service providers in supply chains: an action research approach
The recent proliferation of online-based trade makes negotiations with service...
Perceived risks in supply chain management e-collaboration
Supply chain management is an accepted concept involving a process-oriented,...
E-business operations shift: from supply chain management to sense-and-response systems
The design of e-business operations is often relegated to the implementation stage of...
Structures for stepwise development of adaptive supply chains
Falling margins, globalization, and accelerating innovation cycles are forcing...
Corporate portals for supply chain collaboration
This article reviews the technological capabilities offered by the portal industry's...
The effect of service experiences over time on a supplier's retention of business customers
This paper examines the link between a supplier's marketing and service operations and...
Piled-slab searches
This paper deals with the conflict between simplicity and optimality in searching for...
Sequential observation and selection with rank-dependent payoffs: an experimental study
We consider a class of sequential observation and selection decision problems in which...
Economic lot scheduling problem with returns
Motivated by a case study of a company that produces car parts, we study the...
The Multiple-Family economic lot scheduling problem with safety stocks
The multiple-family economic lot scheduling problem with safety stocks (MFELSP-SS)...
On the asymptotic optimality of a simple on-line algorithm for the stochastic single-machine weighted completion time problem and its extensions
We consider the stochastic single-machine problem, when the objective is to minimize...
Online low-price guarantees – a real options analysis
A common practice among large retailers is the low-price guarantee, rebating consumers...
Assortment planning and inventory decisions under a locational choice model
We consider a single-period assortment planning and inventory management problem for a...
Dynamic catalog mailing policies
Deciding who should receive a mail-order catalog is among the most important decisions...
Conducting R&D in countries with weak intellectual property rights protection
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are increasingly conducting research and development...
Revenue management of a make-to-stock queue
Motivated by recent electronic marketplaces, we consider a single-product...
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